How do you add on higher end services when you don't have the budget to do so yet?

I have been getting alot of questions from clients about oxygen facials, and also laser treatments, I keep sending clients to other I know who do this, and feel like the $$  is slipping right out of my hands! I can't afford any real pricey machines yet, and would still need certifications too, what's everyone doing?

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I know that with the Intraceutical hyper-baric oxygen facial equipment, when you buy their machine they will certify you. They are very expensive, you are right. Maybe you could look to trade show specials?


The other solution, which is at least something (better than nothing) maybe working out a referral program with the people you are referring them to? Every client you send over, you get X for doing so.

Hi, thanks for the reply...I have thought of a referral program, but didn't do it yet...never thought of trade show specials though, will look into it, thanks!

I also know that there are some other brands of oxygen facial equipment that are less $$, of course they don't come with the fabulous products like the ones Intraceuticals has- but you can play around with what to use with them.  

You could also call them and ask if they do payment plans or would work with you?

I can't speak to lasers as I don't know enough about owning one and the cost of operating/leasing.

Good luck!!! :)

I have a referral system in place with a reputable mobile medi-spa provider. It works out well while I'm not able provide the services myself.

Teresa...We have a payment plan for the RejuvenAir Elite oxygen machine and we have some petty great products. I orignially purchased Intracueticals machine and loved it and their products but just felt like it was too expensive for everyone to be able to afford. We also have our original RejuvenAir machine that looks just like theirs for only $1795. So, we've got options.

One more option is...depending on where you are located, myself or Estys that work with me can come do a "Jump Start Day" at your place. This is where we come in with our equipment, do 6 to 8 of your clients and because we know how to sell them on a series of treatments, by the end of the day, you have your equipment paid for before you've even ordered it!!

Thanks Shelley! I will look at the Rejuvenair...I'm in New York, the jump start things sounds nice, but I know your in California! ;o) I have your Ultrasonic Spatula, and clients like it alot..thanks for your help!

Great information to have Shelley! Thank you!

@Shelly is this for any state or only local to you?

I'm in the process of getting reps to do these Jump Start events all over the United States. I have a few already. Where are you located?

Orlando Florida

I would love to work with you for a "Jump Start" event! Do you have someone in Colorado?


I will be in Colorado (Littleton) in Sept. 16th giving a workshop. I have a couple of gals coming to meet me then about doing the Jump Starts but I'd like to meet everyone that is interested in this. If you'd like to attend you can register here:


Michell....I will see who I've got in Florida for you. Which piece or pieces of equipment are you wanting to add to your menu of services?



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