Hello again ladies....ok so I am going to a tea party on Sat and it is a networking event.  You have to wear a tea party hat (well make one) and I was thinking how genious would it be to make one that goes along with my profession...soooo I was hoping you ladies could help me with some ideas of what to put on the hat.

Here are a few ideas I have:

Esthetic sponges

Fan brush

Skin care samples

waxing sticks?

some white orchid flowers

maybe some words like skin care, vitamin c, anti-aging, acne treatment, etc

tea bag?

Couple of lavender tea light candles?

ok this hat is obviously going to weigh 1,000 lbs.  haha

Any other funny or creative ideas?  I think this could win in the originality part of the contest.

Thanks ladies!! 

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Oh lady,  I think a networking TEA PARTY sounds wonderful!!! Oh what fun you can have creating your HAT.

I would make sure to use a very strong brim hat. Maybe there is something that can be done to the underneath of the brim for added support.  I do not think it will be too heavy with the items you discribed so far, except maybe  the candles.  If the hat is a strong one with a good strong brim,  a very thin type of tea light might work.  Do use a few airy type feathers (maybe mixed in with your flowers, and only  2 or 3 feathers) with the hat. It gives a wonderful tea party hat a touch of class!!! Any way my HATS of to ya!!! Have a blast at your tea!!!!!

Oh and do not forget your business card tucked in somewhere! And make sure you have plenty to hand out too!!

What a fun idea! I like Diane's thought of including a business card--what if you even put an entire business card holder on the hat, so they can grab one right off your head? :-)

Yes I think people taking one from the hat is a wonderful idea!


Great ideas guys!  Thanks!!  Nothing like a little last minute fun (or should I say stress...lol). 

You could even do the top of the hat as a head! You could glue on eyepads, wrap a towel around the "face" and do a mask on it! Love this idea of a tea party! Please post pictures!!!

Oh and Sheila, please take and post pictures of the Hat you wear at the Tea! I would love so to see it. I think having something like this to go to would be soooo much fun!!!

This is such a great idea! LOL! You need to post a picture when it's done. I don't think it will be too heavy. You could make flower or fan-shaped things out of sponges, sample packets and wax sticks, with a big fan brush as a hat pin. If you don't have a hot glue gun, that would probably be the best way to stick it all together - you can get a hot glue gun and a bag of glue sticks at craft stores for a few dollars.

Ok, here goes nothing.  LOL.  I put together my hat, I used sponges, cotton swabs, waxing stick, and some samples on the one side and 2 types of tea on the other( since I serve tea or water after appts).  They I just added flowers and some bedazzling, and hung the words of my services off the sides and on the back I have a picture of a womans face that I use in my marketing and my logo.  ON the front I put VitalizeMe and back I put skin care because skin therapy would have been off centered.  I am holding all the stuff in place with a white headband liek what I use in my treatment room.  The sign above is my tag line.  I didn't really have an area for the business cards so I will bring with me and I was going to do tea light candles but opted against because I didn't like the way they looked.  It actually didn't take much time and I didn't clue anything to the hat...hope it all staysin place!  I will let you know how it goes.  I am looking forward to a fun little girls afternooon!

Thanks for the ideas and support!!! 


Sheila, you are too amazing!  Your tea party/skin care hat turned out soooooooooooo cute!  I love the way you incorporated your name of the salon and what you do AND made it look pretty.  You should definitely win most creative hat - hands down!  Have fun!!! 

Thanks Debbie, I did win most creative :).  I got a Do It Yourself at home wine party kit.  LOL.  They did make me stand for every category practically but had to be fair to others.

That is too cute! Glad that you had a wonderful time!


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