So I posted on here about a month ago that I had been nominated for Best Facial on some list in my area. I was pretty excited about it but then decided to remove the post from this forum. 

Anyway, the contest is still going on and I am now in 3rd place out of 39 places. This is my first year in the business so I think that is pretty good. :) If I get in 1st place I will get some great exposure and I could really use it. I work so hard (as we all do) everyday to build my business and I am trying to take advantage of every opportunity possible. Unfortunately I was unable to get the support of my salon to help me with votes but luckily I have amazing clients, friends and family. Now, I am asking for your help. Will you please vote for me? It's super easy and you can sign up through Facebook or your email (and they don't send spam...only 1 email to confirm you are who you are). Takes about 1 minute!

I would normally NEVER ask for help on here for something like this and I hope I'm not offending anyone. I know you all understand how hard this business is and I would definitely return the favor. :)

By the way...I wish this contest was only voted by clients but it is not. This is why I don't feel guilty asking for votes from people who have not received a facial from me. I know some of the things people are doing to get to #1. I just want to build my business so I can keep doing what I LOVE to do.

If you decide to vote (and I really hope you do), THANK YOU! A SINCERE THANK YOU!!!

Here is the link...


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I voted just now. Personally, I don't mind a bit. It's great to help each other. Hope you win...

I voted.  Good luck!

Wow! Thank you ladies!! I was a little nervous about this posting. It is so nice to be a part of such a supportive community. It means a lot to me. Thank you! 

Voting goes until November 9th so everyone can do it until then. I will let you know the outcome when I find out.

Thanks again! got my vote! Much success to you my fellow esty!

Absolutely will :) NOW !

Just voted :) All the very best to you

Thanks ladies! Tough competition with 2 salons ahead of me. It would be nice to beat them with the strength of my little business! :) 

Congratulations! Just voted for you! Good luck!

Thanks Lauren! I just saw your vote :)

One last attempt...Voting ends on Friday! Please help me get to #1. Please help me grow my business. It only takes a minute, I promise. With the push from this forum, I know I could do it!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

I voted! I like being able to stick it to those big name places because we work just as hard if not harder and we are often better at what we do!

I love it! Thank you! :) They are actually nominated for other categories too so it's frustrating. I'm just trying to get my name out there and build my business. 

Thanks for voting!! Every vote counts!


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