So I posted on here about a month ago that I had been nominated for Best Facial on some list in my area. I was pretty excited about it but then decided to remove the post from this forum. 

Anyway, the contest is still going on and I am now in 3rd place out of 39 places. This is my first year in the business so I think that is pretty good. :) If I get in 1st place I will get some great exposure and I could really use it. I work so hard (as we all do) everyday to build my business and I am trying to take advantage of every opportunity possible. Unfortunately I was unable to get the support of my salon to help me with votes but luckily I have amazing clients, friends and family. Now, I am asking for your help. Will you please vote for me? It's super easy and you can sign up through Facebook or your email (and they don't send spam...only 1 email to confirm you are who you are). Takes about 1 minute!

I would normally NEVER ask for help on here for something like this and I hope I'm not offending anyone. I know you all understand how hard this business is and I would definitely return the favor. :)

By the way...I wish this contest was only voted by clients but it is not. This is why I don't feel guilty asking for votes from people who have not received a facial from me. I know some of the things people are doing to get to #1. I just want to build my business so I can keep doing what I LOVE to do.

If you decide to vote (and I really hope you do), THANK YOU! A SINCERE THANK YOU!!!

Here is the link...


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Just voted for you :) Good Luck!!

Thank you so much!! If you all you ladies keep this up, I just may get there... :)

Tomorrow (Friday) is the LAST day to vote. I've come so far! Please take a moment to vote for me. My salon doesn't think I can do this but I know I can!!! Thank you again!!! I hope you all know how much I appreciate the support. :)

LAST PUSH AND REQUEST! Only a few hours left and I know I'm not there yet. Please take a moment to vote. I promise I bug you guys anymore about this. :) Thank you!!!! Can you tell I want to win? :)

YES! I came in 1st place and it has absolutely helped my business. I always ask how people found me and 90% (the number has increased) find me on the internet. They always mention the award! :)

Thank you! I have a love/hate relationship with Yelp. They filter reviews and that is frustrating b/c my are all real so I would like my clients or potential clients to be able to read all of them. It is a GREAT way for clients to find you and most have told me that they can tell the real reviews from the fake. 

Get over it! :)

It is a yearly contest in my area so I will be going for it again next year. There is another one coming up in the spring in a big local newspaper that I am shooting for as well. Not sure if I can get in it but I am definitely going to try!

I read part of it and then got interrupted and it was gone when I went back to it. Weird?? I thought you deleted it for a reason.

I can't believe you already sold 3 of something you just set up on Tuesday! That is so awesome!! :) Good for you!


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