I was wondering if anyone using silhouette solitone 400 or 2500 in their practice, I would really appreciate of any feedback since this is going to be a very important and expensive decision for me to make it.

thanks a lot :)

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We are using the Soli-Tone 400 and it is an amazing machine, worth the money.




I just bought one from Skin for Life. Awesome machine. It is for face and body and with the different combinations in programming you can really confuse the muscle for greater results (just like exercising your body, changing your workout gives you better results) I was most impressed with the fact that they are made in the US and the parent company is Lifeline Medical Inc. which I am familiar with when I was an EMT. They make a lot of the equipment (AED's etc.) we used in the field. I am just beginning to market the services. Love the LED.


I'm new, and I don't know about machine brands but have you considered renting? It costs less and if new technology should come up in the future, you can always stop renting the original and go with the new one. 


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