I have a 13 yr old client with bad acne. I had her looking much better last month and on her visit yesterday it was worse then I have seen. She is on my professional products, acne cleanse, vitamin c, acne peptide. Vitamin A in evening, scrub with salicylic once a week. Treatments monthly. I found out yesterday she is using Clinique make up, lots of it to cover up the redness. Also, any shampoo her mother buys.

So with all that said, what are your professional opinions?

What shampoo/conditioner should she be using?

As far as makeup I asked her mother to switch her to Jane Iredale which she will do.

Oh, and she is starting her on digestive enzymes & probiotics.

Thank you ladies for all of your help!!

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Thanks Claire!

I just googled it and found this website, you are not kidding it is a tad spendy. How many jars do you think your daughter goes thru a month?


That website seems to be a bit pricey!!!

I think I pay from Whole Foods market about $18.95 a jar and it is a +10.  I have paid as much as $25 a jar....never any more!  This lasts her about 2 months as I make her use it sparingly.  A thin application is beneficial.  If I use it for cooking and other things like salad dressings etc....then of course it doesn't last as long.   If you are using it just for the face mask you could make it last about 3 months using it sparingly.  

1 teaspoon or even 1/2 a teaspoon with a pinch of cinnamon and spread thinly on the face will be enough and used 3 times a week will make a big difference.

I wish I had one place I could recommend you buy it from...but I buy it when I am out grocery shopping at random health food places.  I don't have one particular company i buy from...

In the grand scheme of things that is not to bad, and I have a whole foods! Yippee!

Thank you :)

I'm from New Zealand and here's a source for the cheaper types of manuka honey: www.shopenzed.com. It's an online store aimed at those of us who are overseas and want the NZ candy or cookies or whatever other supermarket products we can't get wherever we are. So, the prices on manuka honey may not be cranked up as high as they are on the sites that specialize in manuka honey for skin treatments. Looks like they have small jars for $10. Those are the ones in the manuka honey section labeled "bush honey", and I see the ones that are rated for potency are ridiculous prices like $56 for 500g.

($10 is still utterly ridiculous to me, it's just a standard grocery store item back home, but obviously when it turns out people will pay big $$$ for it, suppliers take advantage of that.)

Sounds like Whole Foods is probably the way to go, since even if you get the $10 jar, there's still shipping on top of that.

Manuka is another name for ti tree or tea tree, and it's the same plant that tea tree oil comes from.

I NEVER knew that!  How exciting.  Love to learn new things.  Would never have known it was from Tea-Tree...because the smell of Tea-Tree makes me want to barf...but Manuka.  yummy, yummy!  :)  Thanks @Carrie

Another name for tea tree, well no wonder it is so helpful with acne. Love it!! Thank you for the info Carrie!!
Natalie, what BP cream do you recommend? She is not using SPF just her make up SPF coverage. Also what is NS? I like the idea of a checklist too , that's a great idea for teens. Oh, and yes she is a picker, and the scrub I gave her I found out she was using daily!!! So we took that away and I hope the redness will calm down a bit.
Natalie, great help and tons of information. I totally appreciate it. So my problem is, I have never used BP, do not even know where to buy. Can you send me in the right direction on where to find a good brand.
Your awesome, thx Natalie!! I love learning great new stuff here from fellow estys. I have been an esty for two years now, so soaking it all in. :)
Have you checked out face mapping? It helps you figure out where and what could be causing it. Topical skincare is only part of the equation. Looks like she is severely dehydrated. Also try taking her off all dairy and sugar. Except fruit. For a month or two.
Hi Shelly, yes I love face mapping and went over all areas of her face that were problematic and she answered no to all of the possible internal issues. I received my face map in school, do you have one you use and love? She is not a big sugar eater but loves goldfish crackers, so those went out the door. You are right, she is dehydrated. She does not drink enough water, so I told her to try to increase her consumption as much as possible.


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