So I wrote on here last week about my client with red, raised bumps. Lisa was very kind to explain exactly what was happening and give me home care recs and a protocol. I got my client off ALL her other products and gave her samples of the new routine. As they run out, she is buying them now. She is a model client, ladies! (the way we wish all of our clients would be) She does everything I suggest, emails me updates on her skin and is very calm about it all. 

I gave her a facial on Thursday that included the coconut enzyme (as Lisa suggested) and then I did a hydrating mask after. I only did a 20 minute facial b/c I didn't feel a long one was needed since we are trying to target a specific area and I want to see her every week. 

She emailed me today to tell me that her chin and right along her lower lip got very dry, almost chapped looking. Then she said it spread to all over her chin. (her problem areas are her chin and forehead) I guess it is a good thing that it didn't happen all over but I'm confused as to why the area got so dry??

Then, yesterday she said she got a rash on her neck after cleansing. She said she put cortisone cream on it and it was gone after several hours. She is using Green Tea Cleanser and the Glycolic, both of which I have used on her previously.

She isn't complaining (as I said, model client) but she is just letting me know, which I appreciate.

What do you guys think? It seems to me that she needs more hydration (she is using the Hydrating serum/Ageless Skin Moist) but again, why just on her chin? Why not her forehead as well where there are the bumps?

Thanks ladies!

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Hi! Do you know if she is taking any current medications that could be causing her skin to be so sensitive? And also was she on a good regimen prior to starting all this? Or is this something new for her skin?

How often is she using the glycolic cleanser ?

No medication and she has only used the glycolic once since she got the products home but it will twice a week. She was not on a good regimen. Over-exfoliating her skin.

She may also be reacting this way because her skin is so out of balance! I agree with Lisa's suggestion. Keep us posted! :)

I would switch the Green Tea Cleanser for the Pomegranate Cleanser.  Stop the glycolic cleanser for a while until the skin has calmed down.  Once it has calmed down, re-introduce the glycolic cleanser to find out if that's the culprit.  I realize that we don't always find the right cleanser (or any products for that matter) on the first try, so I would be happy to exchange products for you.

THANK YOU LISA!! What about the rash? I don't think it is related b/c she told me it actually showed up around noon on Sunday. That's a few hours after she washed her face. 

Luckily she didn't buy the cleanser yet b/c she was still using the sample. I am meeting her today so that she can purchase it b/c she is now out. Perfect timing on your response so I can give her the Pom cleanser instead.

Thanks again! 

My thought is a citrus sensitivity.  Sometimes Vit C or citrus can create dryness or flaking if they are sensitive to it.  I imagine that once you remove the green tea citrus cleanser and replace it with the pomegranate, it might resolve the rash/dryness.    Let me know how it goes.

Ahh, ok. Very interesting. Well she has the Pom cleanser now and I will see her again on Thursday but I told her to keep me posted with any changes. 

Thank you! :)


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