Im looking to add microderm to my menu. Ive used a machine called "Bella" before and it is amazing. The only problem is that it cost 5thousand. Which is alot for me at this time. They do offer financing options but i dont want to go that route.

My question is comparing the derma files to a microderm machine would i receive the same results. Is it just as good with acne and i pigmentation as the normal machine? Any comments from some professional that has used both is greatly appreciated


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Hi Britt, 

I've been using the Dermafiles as an Add on service to a regular priced facial and because it is a tool that you use manually, I don't think you can charge very highly for the service compared to a microdermabrasion machine.  I love using the Dermafiles as it is gentle and it does do the same thing as a machine as far as resurfacing sun damage and treating fine lines but it's not going to treat certain hyperpigmentation issues depending how deep it is and you're not suppose to use it on acne actually. I don't think clients want to pay highly for this kind of service because it is not a "machine", that is just the way people think which I can understand. Hope this helps..I am still researching for a microdermabrasion machine I could possibly afford someday! I'm really interested in the Dermasweep machine since it is not irritating using nylon bristle technology but I think Diamonds get people's attention more. Would love to hear what other people have to say on this topic as well.

Thanks Katrina for your response. Ive herd of the derma sweep, and herd nothing but good reviews from it. You are right about charging a different price . It wouldnt seem right to the client, and looks are everything. Sometimes they think more is best. Ive read good reviews from other skin specialists on other posts about it the derma files. I guess we all have to start someone, and was looking for a good option. I know the machine want be good for certain levels of acne, but helping craters it would be good. At least i think.

Hi Ladies!

I also use the Dermafile and LOVE it!  I was hesitant to purchase a microdermabrasion machine beause of the steep investment.  I decided that I would use Dermafiles until I could really feel comfortable dropping 5K on a machine.  BUT since I've been using the Dermafiles I have no plans on purchasing a micro machine.  My clients love it and I do market it as a singular facial service and list it in my menu as Diamond Dermafile Resurfacing Treatment.  I charge $125 for face,neck & decollette.

Dermafile is not an appropriate treatment for active acne, sunburned or sensitive skin. I do peels on my clients that have active acne. Most of my anti aging clients are sold on this fabulous little tool because I'm excited about it when I explain what their outcome could be with several treatments. I explain that it's a holistic approach as it does not contain chemicals (many clients don't want peels) and that there is no suction involved which can cause worsening of broken capillaries.


Katrina, let's do lunch or coffee again soon.


Thanks for the reply. I was looking at my budget at 2this morning and asking myself how could I afford a microderm machine to (introduce something new on the menu). Im currently in Tampa now visiting family and thought about stopping in to see them in person. Also thank for educating me on not being able to use them on sun damaged skin. I assumed that was one of the main benefits of using them.

Thanks Brittnee
How do you use the dermafiles? Alone or with peels? How many layers of derma filing?

It's always great for me to hear others brag a bit about pieces of equipment that I represent and use!! I have both the dermafiles and the dermasweep and love using them both (not in the same treatment of course!).

I saw a cool little microderm machine for a reasonable price ($2500) at the Face and Body Show. Check this one out:


When it's comfortable the budget, I do still believe that the dermasweep is the way to go. I've had both crystal and diamond machines and my clients really appreciate the way the dermasweep feels!

Thanks Shelley I will look into the machine and derma files. 2,500 sounds alot better then 6. Ive read great reviews on the dermasweep, and will keep my eye on it as I save up.



Hello Shelley,

I also bought dermafile and wondering can we incorporate TCA peels with it? I know, I can do TCA peels along with microderm but confuse about the dermafile.

please advice.



Yes...I use the Dermafile and a TCA often!!!

Thank you.

I have bought ultrasonic hand model from you, and I love doing extractions with it. I just don't know how to market ultrasonic facial. Please advice.

Hi Shelley,

How do incorporate your dermafile with TCA? my client right now is on pre peel and will soon start a series of chemical peel two weeks space a part. Also, I'm considering buying celluma through you. What protocol would you suggest? my client is a fitz V and he really needs a lot of resurfacing. thank you!

Hi johanna.....I cleanse, rinse, Dermafile, apply one layer of Skin Script TCA, then directly under the Celluma panel for 15 minutes...beautiful results. If the client is fine with one layer, step it up to more layers. I've done as high as five layers and the client loved her results.


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