I saw another esty on facebook promote a facial treatment specifically for sunburn. I thought that was a pretty cool treatment, and just so happen that a Doctor that works in my office building is dealing with this very thing all over her face.  I thought of something I could do for treating the decollate, using simple ingredients like aloe w/ lavender and chamomile e.o. , green tea compress , the cucumber toner, moisturizer and spf. But I was not sure about the face, as I do not have very much experience with treating sunburns. Anyway, I messaged the esty and she said that she uses dermalogica's calming line and cold globes for the massage.

With using Skin script I am thinking that I want to use the pomegranate cleanser, the cucumber toner, and if there is peeling maybe use the retinol scrub/mask...strictly as a mask, no srubbing,..or use the goji berry mask ( want to use the seaweed mask because it has chamomile in it but it can be a little warming on the skin, so not sure) .  followed by the ageless serum, aloe moisturizer and spf ,then use the LED . I dont have the globes, but I do have the cold stones I could use....

any thoughts on how you would use skin script products for a sunburn facial treatment ?

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I think that sounds like a great treatment. I always keep a container of the Seaweed Mask in my fridge in case I need it and my clients love it! I sometimes use it after a lot of extractions and it really calms the skin (and the client!). 

I use green tea bags ( sometimes) put two in 3 -4 cups of water then add ice and put in fridge- when comes time to use I will pour into another dish and soak whatever I am using for eyes ( usually round cotton pads or gauze) . So far no one ever complained ( ask if they wear contacts ...etc. people love it- sometimes I will keep fresh cucumber in fridge and cut up to place over eyes - for most part just distilled water though if really busy.

As far as mask- can you mix a regular yogurt based with pure aloe? They Coconut enzyme is awesome! Maybe add in some hydrating serums at end of facial too.

I just got a fridge at my place , so now I can start making and storing certain things. great tips!


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