Somewhat of a long-winded explanation and back history.

End of 2011/early 2012, I went on a retail skin care product shopping spree. (My primary sales come from waxing, I'd say 70%.) At the time I was at the height of skin care product sales and facial treatments/chem peels.

At around the same timeframe, my husband and I were focusing more of our time/energy/resources on pursuing our 3 year infertility journey- which joyously resulted in the birth of our beautiful daughter, February 2013. 

To the point: Due to some complications during pregnancy I was not able to continue working as I normally do and when I recently came back to my studio, I realized that I had allowed a significant number of retail products to 'expire' past the sell by date.

I'm more amped than ever to get back in my studio, assist and care for my current clientele and build a new following- then to see this (in my mind, foolish) hiccup- I'm feeling quite silly and wasteful.

I def don't plan on selling the expired products, but it seems so wasteful to toss them in the trashcan. I'd use them on myself but most of them aren't indicated for me.

Has anyone else found themself in this position?

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If you feel the products are still OK to use you could donate them to a women's shelter or something similar.  They should give you a receipt and the donation would be tax deductible plus you're giving back to the community.

My thought exactly!! I donated tons of samples that I randomly get in the mail. You will feel good and you get to write it off. Trust me, I have spent tooooons of money in all the wrong places.. Just take it as a lesson learned, maybe buy less more often. I keep 2 of all retail that's it. Congrats on your daughter!!

Congrats...I have found that products last a lot longer then it says - you can even offer clients a discount informing them of the expiration.


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