Hi All:

I've been receiving a lot of questions lately on (1) why do people react from this?  or that? (2) why are some enzymes stronger than others?, or (3) how does a product work? etc.

I wish I could be there with each one of you when you experience a problem or face an issue.  Always feel free to pick up the phone and call 480-543-1121 and ask for me to help you walk through issues.

As you know, I love training and education.  It's part of my belief system (and, hence Skin Script's belief system).  Skin Script's training is free (except for the $45 re-boot class we offer).

Last year I hired Dave Waggoner as the Director of Education for Skin Script.  He has a BA in teaching, he has an MA in counseling, he is a licensed aesthetician, and a licensed aesthetic teacher.  He directed and taught aesthetics for the last 5 years here in Arizona.  I wanted him to create an amazing live training that would create confidence, build the aesthetician both in knowledge and business.  I wanted Dave to build this advanced training center that people would travel from all over the United States to attend.  And they have come, and they have received the touch of Dave's education.

I highly encourage you to travel to Arizona for the next 2-day Skin Tensive training (Sept 8 & 9) as it will start to address some of the comments I am receiving.

These two testimonials received from July's 2-day training summarized it perfectly:

"I thoroughly enjoyed the Skintensive training. Since this was my second time going through the class I would have to say that I benefited from the review of the topics discussed but mostly from the validation and confidence boost that comes with knowing that I do actually know what I'm talking about. Being freshly out of school with limited experience I have relied a lot on protocols and haven't had as much confidence when it comes to customizing my treatments. Between attending the Product Knowledge class and Skintensive training twice, I now feel confident and comfortable in really customizing my treatments and being able to educate my clients on why I am choosing the products that I do. I do really think the drawing part is beneficial because it allows me the capability to be able to show my clients what is going on with their skin as well as build credibility and value which translates into client retention and better results retailing. I think the critical thinking aspect of the class is paramount.  I am so grateful that you and Lisa have this advanced training available and at no cost at that. It really makes me be able to fully get behind Skin Script, not only because the products are amazing but also because the business practices and policies truly show support for the aesthetician."

"Thank you for sharing your insightful knowledge and enthusiasm during the two day class! It was truly a pleasure to attend your very organized, structured, yet relaxed seminar. I am still wondering how or why Skin Script doesn't charge for such an essential training.    I have attended and paid far too much money for useless classes in the past....with the exception of just a few. Such as Florence Barrett Hill.   Your class was a great refresher for the physiology and histology of the skin. The drawing portion is essential as a learning tool. You and Lisa are a great team! Thank you for the opportunity to meet both of you and share the philosophy of Skin Script."

My bottom line is "this training is free, its amazing, its worth the trip".  This may be the class you need to help get through the "issues" that will face us with any industry or any products.

My phone is always on, and my e-mail is always answered.

Lisa VanBockern



Views: 222

Replies to This Discussion

   I must say that even though I have not been to the 2 day intensive that Lisa is referring to, I have been highly blessed by a few of their webinars thus far; they are highly informative and pleasantly interactive, so I signed up for more.  I am currently sampling the SkinScriptsrx line and have had nothing but good first impressions from this company.  Although I am unable to intend this 2 day intensive, I would love to attend one day in the future and would encourage others who can to try them out.  Free GOOD education, people! 

   Great webinars today, Lisa, I am highly impressed and encouraged by you and Dave's commitment to help other skin care professionals. Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to provide them for us. :) 


I've been following many of the discussions and concerns that have been posted in last couple months re Skin Scripts.
Whether you are a seasoned or a newbie aesthetician and new to Skin Scripts, please take advantage off all the complementary education that this company has to offer! A rare treat during these challenging economical times.
Education and experience are key...and Lisa and Dave are invaluable resources to further your understanding of skin care.
Kudos to you, Lisa and Dave for your generous and informative offerings!
I honor and value a company that shares so much wealth in education!
Thank you,


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