I just ordered mine, the regular model, and I was thinking about how to introduce it to my clientele. (FYI I use Skin Script products)

Do you recommend I use it in every facial or make it a special service?

I thought I saw somewhere a 20 minute intro protocol for it? Using the SS retinol scrub? I can't find it now.

I've been in a little bit of a rut and I'd love to use it as something to get my clients really hyped up.



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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Tiffany...I am more of the equipment guru than the product gal, so I'm not sure I'll be much help. I'm a diehard Skin Script fan but you can't private label that. I've been dabbling with a newer line called MC Skincare. I like it so far. She's a lovely esthetician that started the line. http://www.michelecorleyskincare.com/index.html


There's also this other line that is sending me their products to test. www.ecogenics.com

This gal is an Esty also. Her line has won some awards. You can read about it on her website. I have no idea if she private labels. I'm thinking with the word "eco" in her name, it's gotta be pretty clean!!

Shelly, Thank You for taking the time to respond to me. Starting my new spa is more overwhelming than when I was a PT, Partner in business and consultant for private owned out patient clinics.(I thought that was nerve wracking) I have to say its really not the machines Im having the difficulty with(due to countless hrs of research and sleepless nights LOL) Its honestly the thought of private label.I will certainly check out the sights you recommended.I do love the Skin Script line and all the benefits and features they offer.My goal is to be able to provide my clients with the most beneficial home care regimen and keep them coming back for service.So much to do-so little time.Thanks again! Tiff V


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