Hi everyone!

The business directly next to me is a very well off and popular Yarn Shop (yarning, knitting, sewing, classes, etc).  Very popular and busy busy busy.  Been there 15 years or so.

Anyway, they are having an event at the end of September that will bring around 800 women through their doors over a 4 day period of time.  Women from all over our county and nearby cities.

Any thoughts on how I can grab their attention and market a special for them?  My brain is friend from my Grand Opening, lol  :)


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Sorry! I just saw this! How did it go?  What did you decide to do?  

It hasn't happened yet! Next week (from 26th-29th).

I could really use some thoughts/ideas, tho!!  :)

Is there a way that you can get involved in the event? Can you provide more details about the event?

The difficulty is that these women are there for that business and it is completely different than what you are offering so you have to find a way to get their attention that would interest them. 

Maybe make little treats that represent them with a cute little poem that talks about you and them. For example: My city is very small and I am located in a salon in the only shopping center. Every year, there is a big Halloween fest in the center. It's fun and cute and the parents bring their kids. Well, the parents aren't thinking about facials, etc. so I had to think of a way to grab their attention. I made these popcorn hands (big hit!) and attached a funny little poem about Halloween and my services...it either gave away a free brow wax or mini-facial. I did something that brought the event and me together and it worked. 

I think that is what you need to do especially if you can't talk to these people. If you can provide more details, I might have more ideas. 

Hopefully that helps a little bit!

Hi Devyn,  thanks for the thoughts!

Here's the info on the event:  http://sandiegoyarncrawl.com/about/

I'm not a yarner, but the owner of the yarn shop next to me gave me the heads up about this event and told me to market my butt off during it, so I have her blessing at least  :)  Her shop and mine share a little courtyard and are 'caddy corner' to each other, so the people who pass into her shop go right by mine, too.

I believe the point of the event is kinda like a scavenger hunt of sorts:  yarners go from one yarn store to another over a period of 4 days and collect stamps at each location, see the featured items and fabrics, and when they've visited all the shops on the list, they're entered into a prize.

Would love more ideas!

Hmm, that's a tough one because it is a drawn out thing. I would set up a table and make it REALLY inviting (bright colors and yummy desserts). Talk to people and have brochures and biz cards ready. Maybe even gift bags they can take with them. The problem is that they are going to be so focused on the scavenger hunt. I know that I wouldn't be thinking about anything else! :)

Look professional, happy and ask them about their "hunt" first. Be interested in what they are doing before you talk to them about what you offer. That can lead into something. Even if you only get 1 or 2 people, that can lead to lifetime clients and lots of referrals. Definitely worth it!

Good luck!!

I just imagined at big knitted bush sticking out of a pair of panties...perhaps you need to be a bit more professional though, ha.


How about cards to pass out with a sheep on it that says "don't be sheepish! Try «a facial/bikini wax etc.»" and maybe do a special promotion? Or "It's no Yarn, I can help your skin!"  Or "a skin me about Dr-fleecing the neither-regions!" Haha!


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