Hi all,

A neighbor of mine sells Protandium (made by Life Vantage corp) and their skincare product (1) is called True Science.  She says it penetrates to the subcutaneous layer where the bottom of wrinkles exist.  I don't recall hearing in school that products can penetrate this far down.  Was I sleeping? Is this correct? Comments please.

Tags: Product, layer?, penetration, subcutaneous, the, to

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We are skin twins! I have been looking for a good enzyme a s we speak! Something with pumpkin and papaya! My home one has peach nectar and almond extract. It is amazing and makes the skin like velvet.

The bentonite clay I mix with local honey and Apple cider vinegar and aloe. I love the hypersonic acid and had someboncebwith copper in it to use with the high frequency. Which, I must say I love that darn thing!!! I zap the h e co outta everything! It even made my hair regrow from th  hormonal thyroid changes. I would love to learn more about led and think that's my next direction. What do you think?

I too love creative and recommend it to clients. Lol I also get great feedback from it. I also teach my clients to cleanse only at night and to rub cleanser in dry then warm washcloth it off. I also say if they feel greasy in the am to just use a waterfall washcloth. I think everybody need  to do this!

Wow! 2 estheticians who had bad skin, doing almost the same things that really work to make it better, well obviously we are on the right track, gotta be doing something right huh!...I have to check out copper with the serum I never hard of that, definitely something I want to look into. ....& Yeah, I highly suggest you check out LED; it's awesome. I think the LED light therapy is that one push my skin needed to just heal and get better, I don't think I would have gotten AS good of a result as I did without it. Originally I went to the dermatologist for LED light therapy; it worked so good but it didn't make my skin completely better because I was still using the same fancy labeled junk on my face back then, but it definately gave me a really good start and I only did 4 sessions, had to stop because it was like $100 a week, couldn't afford it then. Then after my skin started the clearing process, a few months later i discovered all of the ingredient information that I did, and then it was jusstt about a wrap, I finally got a hand held LED device (cheap/definately not as good and effective as what you'd see at a medi spa or derms); but bottom line, it worked. And then after I used that consistently with everything else that I had discovered and started doing, it was finally a wrap. LED is so good because it's safe, no down time, no side effects, etc, like a laser might cause. I can't charge actual LED light therapy prices to my clients with the kind of device I have, i just make it like a little an add-on feature to their treatments for just another $10; but as soon as I have the funds, I am definately looking into upgrading and getting a stronger one; and when I mean stronger, one that's advised to use once every 2-4 weeks; rather than mine, for results you have to use it at leastttt one times a week, and maximum results you have to use it about 2-3 times a week. I'm actually still coming up with a plan of how I can come up with a treatment plan using it for my clients without over charging, until I can upgrade... Deff try it out! If I LOVE it, You will LOVE it!
Ps. If you're looking for a pumpkin & papaya peel or mask; as I said the private label company I use makes an awesome one called "soft papaya & pumpkin masque" not too strong; I actually just used it lastnight because I had some dry skin peeling from the seasonal change, and 'love love love the way my skin feels & looks right now, it did the job. You don't have to actually buy anything, you can request a free sample from "Botanical Science" and see how you like it first. There's no minimum orders or anything. It has so many different uses, it can be used to exfoliate, it can be used to prep the skin for extractions, and it can be used just a nice hydrating facial mask for really all skin types. If you're interested go on their website its www.botanicalscience.net. Check it out, tell me what ya think:)

Hey Marty, Can you please send a copy of the PDF to ForeverYoungEsthetics@centurytel.net   It would be a great tool when explaining chemical peels or microderm to my clients. Thank you!   

Me too Marty! PLEASE! jolenedmontalvo@yahoo.com


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