Ive been getting a lot of teen girls coming in with grade 2-3 acne. It's usually their first facial and they're super sensitive to extractions....
What's the best products to use on them.? Which enzyme peel is best?
Please respond.

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First of all are you sure about the grade of acne 2 - 3?  Please take a look at the pictures and confirm because on a scale from 1 - 4 a 3 is very difficult to treat with topical and your post does not give enough details.

I am not sure why you would use an enzyme peel. I do not think it is strong enough. What line or lines do you own?

Is your client also seeing a Derm?  Have they ever seen a Derm? What Fitz type is she?  Acne run in family? How is her weight or their weight (Diet issues)? Menstrual?  Stress?  Family issues or divorce going on?

See where I am going with this? Acne is not just one thing so the more details the more others can help.





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