
I love your idea for the month of November, but what if all we have is the time master. What kind of special deal could we run with this little baby?

Thank you Shelly and other Esty's


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Perfect.....make it a quick 25 to 30 minute appointment. Cleanse, 15 minutes of Time Master, sunscreen...send them on their way. If they did come in at least twice a week for that, they would really see some great results after the month of doing that and then you've got them hooked!! I've had Estys tell me they're charging around $50 for that 30 minute session. So, you would have to fiure out what your one time fee would be.

ok Ladies who have this little tool, what do you think? What would be a good price for the month?

Thank you again

Love it! Clients love it! :-)
I charge $40 for 30 min session of it... Cleanse tx w serum cocktail and hydrating gel sunblock. Hmmmm I will think about this and get back to you. :)

Shelley... Do you know how this machine compares to the New Image machine? I'm thinking it's just micro current. Client was asking.. He's gonna try these over what he was doing. Now if they do say 6-10 sessions they come every week just once for 30 min session? Also would it depend on client whether or not you could maybe do a few a week apart then go to two weeks type thing or get to result they want by doing weekley then go to monthly? My clients are honestly feeling great results and that's just after 1.. Usually I do it in a 90 min firming facial using the passion peptide enzyme and control corrective firming mask.. So they usually just do it once a month and say their skin feels plump until nxt tx. This is my first client really interested in a series so that's why I have ?s :).

Hi Sheila...this is good stuff!! I think our little toy is the only unit out there with the three modalities at once and I think that's why we're getting such great results. Treat it just like a microcurrent treatment, a series should be twcie a week for four to five weeks. Then backing off....every body is going to be different.

If a person was coming in 2x a week for the time master, how long do we need to use the time master each time on the face and neck area? I have 2 ladies signed up for a series but am only charging $15 for around 10 min on the face that long enough to make a difference? . if they wanted a longer time frame what could I tell them of the benefits etc...?

Thank you again

Tracy, five minutes on each side of the face is really not enough to promote this as a lifting treatment. I recommend at least 10 minutes on each side. They are going to immediately see better results and then those results will last longer, be stronger by ding that longer session.

thank you for you quick reply. You should have seen the ladies face when I finished the 20 minute treatment. Wow.................a huge difference i couldn't believe it either could she. She is coming in for 2x treatments. I love this amazing little tool.'

Thank you for all your help and info.


I meant to say 2 weekly treatments for 5 wks or maybe more.

Hi Shelley, I was able to sell one introductory pkg of 4 treatments to one client so far. However, due to her schedule she is unable to commit to twice a week visits. So she will be coming in once weekly for 4 weeks. Do you think I have set myself and her up for less than satisfying results ?

Don't trun anyone down that can not come twice a week but explain that coming twice a week is beneficial to getting faster/stronger results. Use the analogy of going to the gym. They'll certainly see faster changes in their body if they went twice a week versus once a week. When I'm starting someone on a series that can't do twice a week, I try to get them to do twice just that first week to kick start those results. Most people can handle twice for just one week. If they are coming once a week, you may want to consider a bit longer treatment. Like 15 minutes on each side of the face instead of just 10. Hope this helps!


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