I have a older lady, 75 yr, and she plans on coming in for a series of peels.

She went to her dr who said she has clogged pores which are causing the cystics?

Her face has sever sundamage and very wrinkled skin.

Any advice. All she uses is Neutrogena face wipes.  etc...

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Im not sure I would go with the peels . I would go with a gentle enzyme series . and get her on good home care cleanser toner moisturizer 2% retinol scrub her skin will love you  and the product.xo

You said it all Cheryl; that's exactly what I would recommend.

Thank you for the advice I appreciate it.

Do you think these cystic are from clogged pores?

That's hard to say.  I would have to look at her; touch and feel.  Based on your initial consultation and intake, what do you think is causing them?  Medications?  Work/Play Lifestyle?  Cleansing?  Skincare?  Hormones?

She is a lady that comes in to the salon and we just visited for a while. She has never taken care of her face so I'm thinking all those issues play into her skin condition. 

I'll let you know when she starts up her series

Thanks again

Taking her age into consideration. I'm sure she is very dehydrated and dry that could be some of the problem . So remember hydration hydration hydration :) good luck keep us posted Tracy


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