I am looking to get trained in Lash Extension's with Xtreme Lashes. I would like to know what you think of the training and products. Is it worth the high cost in the long run?

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Awesome! Just go in knowing you have to give yourself some slack it's very detailed work. You'll love the training though! Let me know how things go for you also :)
I just finished my training with xtreme and wow! It was worth every penny. I left feeling comfortable enough to be able to start practicing on my own and work on my technique and speed! I am looking at purchasing a table for friends, family, and coworkers to lay on while I practice doing their lashes. I hope to be able to have the basics other than the supplies I received in my kit to start practicing. If anyone has suggestions on tables I would greatly appreciate it. Have you been practicing since your class Holly? Have you came across anything that you thought would be helpful to have?
The training is amazing! Glad you liked it! Make sure to get the pillow, also you will want a ottlite or a lamp that does not generate much heat so you can see what your doing. Also, not sure if they showed it in your class but it's extremely helpful to have one of those double shot shot classes with acetone to get any glue off of your tweezers
Also I got my table off craigslist it was a brand new earth lite she just didn't have room for it anymore and I only paid $100
Great call on the pillow and lamp! My trainer just dispensed the acetone as needed into the plastic medicine cup. But I can see glass being better. I didn't even have the acetone so my cup was empty. I'm guessing the acetone will eat through the plastic eventually??? I'll check out craigslist. I saw several new for around 80-100 on amazon but I'm not sure about quality. I'm not very familiar with massage tables. Thanks for all the input!!!

I would LOVE to add lashes on to my services but don't know if I have the patience. Does anyone here that is doing lashes live in Indiana? I would love to get a set put on and chat about doing lashes etc....I live south of Indianapolis

I'm originally from Indiana and my friend Jackie who I went to esthetics school with does them at the Conrad Aveda spa downtown Indianapolis.


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