I'm in school currently and I love skin care, and Im familiar with a lot of the skin care lines.. but I know their are TONS. How did you pick your skin care lines besides what is offered at your salon? Was it just trial and error? 

I know entering a salon you don't have much control over what lines they carry, but Im curious on how you found the lines you like? Im not a fan of BioElements and Image.. I know A LOT of salons carry them, but I want something more aggressive.. 

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You did send me an email.  OK But maybe resend because as of this moment I have nothing.

I did a google search for Rhonda Allison and you can buy it on Amazon.  That's a shame because if what you say is true about the line then all there hard work goes up in smoke with regards to there quality and freshness when you can buy outside of a skin care professional on the internet.

I have a few stories about me buying inventory back at full retail so that that will not happen.  Once I sell the product to a professional it is a professionals choice how and what they do with it and I cannot legally do anything about it except buy back and in a couple of cases I had to buy back at full retail.  Was I pissed...yes.  But that is the way it goes when you want to keep it off the net.

Marty Glenn


well, when it's sold on Amazon, it might be that someone who is a spa owner is selling it on Amazon to make more money. I don't think people have much control over that. And who's to say that you will not have the same experience with another one of your retailers. I sell my RA products online BUT through MY own online store through my website. And I do this solely for my clients who like to purchase the larger sizes (RA has 2 or 3 retail sizes). I don't carry larger sizes in my inventory at hand, so if they want it, they have to order it (prepaid), then I order and ship to them.

What I have done is purchase products on Amazon and compare to my products and I have found a few times that the product is not even the same. I have it in my office for demo as an educational moment. And I don't sell my products to NON-clients. I tell them that they need a skin analysis first (for which they need to pay). Period.

But I know what you mean. I didn't know RA was being sold on Amazon, until very recently, and that's the reason why I am looking into other lines.

I will be sending you another private email either from this website (if you accepted my connection request) or from my email address (belladermis@gmail.com).



Ok.  Look forward to email.


Oh boy I hope this comes out right. :)

If you bought my product and I found out that you were doing what you are with RA you would NEVER buy the line again.  EVER!  And if you bought it through another and I was able to find out who, they would never buy it again either.

That policy with my company is so strict.  Zero tolerance.

Now the internet is a big world and I would NEVER say it could not happen to me but the second I find it its like a hunt to find it and make sure it stops. To date its a non issue and don't worry everybody who buys the line gets the speech from me or my distributors. But AGAIN, I do not Fault RA or any line for what happens to them, I know they care and would love to stop it and or change it.  Maybe my approach is a little different and on the A$%$^LE side of it. I guess I am different and I just do not care about feelings when it comes to that issue. 

That is why I paid retail to get the product back.  I respect skin care professionals and their lives and what they do.  Its not easy and sometimes they like to go some where else or sometimes they get out of the business.  I respect them enough to try and make things right and hopefully they do me too and let me buy it back.

Marty Glenn


I just re-sent the email.

No, I get it. I used to get angry, but I choose my battles. I'm on a personal quest for internal peace. Again, the reason why I am searching another line.

I do appreciate those who take a more proactive approach.

Looking forward to doing business with you.

When I was looking into Rhonda Allison I asked about this because I had done a search and found small business websites from estheticians selling RA.  They actually allow this as long as you don't undercut their price.

Monica when I got into the use of Rhonda Allison I loved the product and was so sure that I would sell it like crazy so I ordered a lot of the different products, but it did not happen like that and it was my fault for not realizing about the shelf life.This year I took a huge loss in product because I did not want to take a chance of selling something to someone that was not good. I thought I did ask about exp dates when I purchased it but maybe I miss understood about it. This was A very expensive lesson I learned. I still love the product and it is no ones fault but my own.


Next time look on the bottom of the bottle and get the number and then call the company and ask for the mfgr date records. That can help you with any product line.

Marty Glenn




RA sells very well. But I started slowly. I purchased the backbar for just one protocol and the retail products that people who would be able to benefit from the specific protocol would buy. Once I was very familiar with the protocol and the retail products, I purchased backbar for another protocol, marketed it, and purchased the retail for those who would be treated with the second protocol and so forth. I don't carry the whole line, much less the larger sizes. There are several products that I cannot keep on the shelf and I buy more of those. Then I have 1 each of a handful of products just in case. If people like them, and they want larger sizes, then they go to my website and order them through there. If they don't want to pay for S&H, and want to pick them up themselves, they can order through me directly - but prepaid, no exceptions.  I learned my lesson when someone ordered and never returned to pick up. I won't lose money, so prepaid or website is the only way to get larger sizes.

That's the problem freaking amazon and other internet skin stores that sell for much less. I liked Rhonda Alison as well!

I have used a plethora of skin care lines in my 19 years of skin care.  The best I have found is "Milagro Skin Health".  It used to be "Vital Therapy" but it has been taken, tweaked and made into a medical grade line.  It is made in Colorado, where they know how brutal the weather is.  I love this line and have been using it for years.  I am constantly being told how beautiful my skin is, which is surprising since I smoked cigarettes for 23 years and grew up in the Florida sun.


Right now I am using the Skin Script line. I do love the fruit enzymes and the serums. I have also recently been investigating a second line as some of my new clients have had reactions to a few things and I need a second line just for this reason. I have looked at a few and I like what I am seeing in the DermAware Line. Thought this would be a good place to post this as it is about choosing a skin care line. Has anyone else looked into this line or tried any of the products? There is a multitude of products for face and body care which I love because I have been also searching for a great body care line. I myself am very sensitive to the smell of a product line . I can not stand artificial fragrances ect.. 

Im not sure if this helps with what you are also asking Erin But I just read through day spa magazine ect. and find a line and then go on line and do some research. What ingredients are in the line what products they carry in there line ect. Some times I will even order some things so I can sample them and smell the line and see if It is something I would use myself . If I love a line it will be a great line I feel confident in using for my clients as well . Thanks all any replies would be appreciated .  Good Luck and have fun in all you do ! 


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