I' am new at all this and am looking for ways to get clients. I have been working at spa for about a mounth with not much going on. They had an esthetician before me that wasn't readily available so I think that people stop coming and calling for esthetic procedures. They a very busy with messages but are not promoting me how do I bring in business? Please help!! I could use ideas! Thank you!

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Hands down the best thing I ever did while working in a salon is to mark myself out on three of the busiest days in the salon and greet people, give them hot towels, and offer hand massages for their hands.  I also offered eyebrows by a master.

I built my clientele up from $50 a week to $800 a week by really just using high frequency and talking to people.

The other option I did was I sent a newsletter to EVERYONE!  I also included some minor personal info about my life.  this created the one on one connection that is crucial in our business.

Also, promote yourself as the best estie for --------- (Fill in the blank) and then hit that hard and heavy for 3 months.  Then promote yourself as the best estie for ___________ for 3 months.

Also,  Make a press release!  Get to know your newspaper people!  When they want stories, they will go to YOU!

Another thing I had done, I traded services with a photographer.  BEST IDEA EVER!!!  I use those photos for all of my promotional stuff!

Go to every health fair, bridal fair, and expo and set up a booth!

Hi Amy, what were you doing with the high frequency to increase that much?

I was zapping acne! It was wild and really only started with a few of the girls I worked with!  Then I had the biggest spider bite on my forehead!  After zapping it with the high frequency, it went away so I was advertisement! :D


I had a very similar experience where I was hired at a medi-spa, they hired me to do all of the facials and skincare since everyone else was mainly focused on laser. They left it up to me to promote, but the agreement was that they would help promote, promised advertisements and groupons for me etc..which never happened. I was brand new to the field and didn't really know any better at the time, so I put in a lotttt of free time just to end up having a bunch of problems in the end. My mistake was spoiling them and letting them take advantage of all the free work I was putting in to promote myself. I'm not saying that they are necessarily going to take advantage of you, but I am saying...don't let them. If they feel like they aren't getting enough clientele, that burden shouldn't land all on you. DO promote yourself, absolutely, but also they should promote you, it's their business not yours. You can sit down with them and come up with ideas etc, do your part, but make sure they do their part. Some ideas you may want to bring up to them (and be firm with them about the fact that they also need to make them happen), is offering complimentary consultations w/ skin analysis (pretty much a free mini facial without sounding like your giving too much away for free). They had me doing free mini facials (which I wasn't getting paid for), to any client who has never had a facial there before, it was a good concept, but once again, it easily got taken advantage of and before I knew it, I was working for free half the time, and when I got sick of that and put my foot down, they weren't very happy, they were too used to being spoiled and it caused conflict. So, I find that offering "complimentary consultations" to both new and walk-in clients is effective for drawing clients in, yet it's safer - and not too desperate sounding. Just make sure you get paid for your time! Also, you can request that they do groupons for you, and make flyers with specials. Make (or use if they already have) a Facebook and Instagram for this spa, and update it with esthetic posts daily. Also, look for health & wellness events around the area, see if the spa owners are willing to participate, and if so, plan a well set booth with them where you can promote what you're doing. There are lots of great ideas you can bring up to them but like I said, overall, make sure your not the only one making these ideas happen, from the beginning. That is my biggest advice based on one hell of a huge leaning experience. Good luck!


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