Has anyone on here used the cranberry turnover peel all over on a client? I have only used it as a spot treatment but I have a client with pretty severe acne and we have been doing mandelic peels which are helping but I would like to see a little more improvement. What is the downtime for using this peel on the entire face and how much peeling/flaking can she expect?

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Hi Christyn . I have used it on a few clients all over it has tightened up there pores and cleared up some oiliness and breakouts. It does get very hot on the skin. almost to the point of unbearable we have left it on for 5 minutes no steam. there was not alot of down time some flaking and a bit of peeling. Dont be afraid of it Just make sure to let your client know what they will be feeling on a scale of 1-10 it is a 10 for most people :)

Also would like to say they do get used to it so not as unbearable after having it done a few times but the first time is when they really feel it . But like Madelene says not alot of down time for my clients as well. I always follow Lisa's protocols It is a great peel for acne and oily skin. 

No down time for several of my clients, and not unbearable. I di them in a series of six. Fantastic! One of my favorite skinscript peels!cill never do without it for my clients who break out!cthey love it!

Hi Christyn:  I normally say 4-5 days of flaking.  I've attached two different protocols using the Cranberry turnover (20% salicylic).  You can also use it for spot treatment ( you don't have to use it all over).

Wow, Lisa! I did know you can so this! This is so exciting! A glycolic then cranberry turnover? Whoo hoo! I can only imagine the results on that! I will print that protocol!

Just watch it - it's really hot when you do both.  Again, you can spot treat with the cranberry.

Oh, I will! Proceed with caution!

Thanks Lisa and everyone for the responses! I did the peel with the alpha-beta protocol on her today and it went really well! I will let everyone know how it well it does when she comes back in. She handled the peel really well she said it was more like a 5 on a scale of one to 10 but her skin is preconditioned so that may be why she handled it so well.

I have done the alpa-beta protocol on my teenage daughter who is very oily and was very much congested all over. It really cleared up her skin nicely and she didn't have any flaking or peeling. It was very hot and uncomfortable for her but worth the result it gave. I can't wait to hear how it worked for your client!

So I've used the alpha beta protocol twice on my client now and it is making a huge difference in clearing her skin! The second time I did use a mandelic peel as the alpha part and wow it turned out so well for her!


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