I have started her on monthly facials and SS products.  She is all for carrying the line and had me order a small inventory to get started with.  She is 30 with oily skin and some hormonal jawline acne.  Since starting the green tea citrus cleanser, toner and light aloe routine in the am and the blemish control cleanser in the pm, just about a week, she told me today that she feels she is getting oilier and asked if there was anything stronger.  

So I started thinking about what I can do for her.  Should I have her cleanse with glycolic cleanser everyday or start slower?  What about the glycolic pads? 

She is very influential and has a large clientele to promote my services and products to, so it is very important for me to get her skin in balance.



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Hi Robin:  I think you could incorporate the glycolic cleanser, but I like the idea of the Blemish Control Toner pads that have 2% salicylic; those can help dry oil.  She could use these interchanged with the Cucumber Toner.

I am 30 with oily skin and hormonal acne;  I found that using the green tea citrus cleanser everyday dries my skin out too much.  It is possible that her skin may be reacting in a similar way and producing more oil to compensate for the dryness which is what oily skin does to begin with.  I would suggest pom cleanser, toner and hydrating serum, and ageless moisturizer in addition to your prescription of alternating the blemish control products.  Hormonal skin is fickle and unbalanced; it is vital that her skin gets enough hydration.

I am in my 50's with dry skin and use Green Tea cleanser daily, and it definitely does not dry my skin out.

For ALL of my oily clients I recommend Ageless Hydrating Serum AND Cucumber hydrating Mist - to introduce more hydration (water) to the skin to help balance the oil.

I would try the Blemish Control pads too...although everyone loves the glycolic cleanser!

I only use the Pom cleanser on extremely dry skin.

wow I just got another great message from a client with the same skin 30 yrs, oily, mild acne.

"Hi Robin! Couple questions. My face is super clear right now and I am loving it...but feel like it's oily a little. I do the wash, toner, and moisturizer daily and it's got a sheen to it by mid day. And my pores are huge...lol. I've never noticed them before but now I do. Maybe that is normal and I just didn't realize it? Also, I've been using the blemish cleanser and love it. can I place an order for a full bottle? When I use the toner, I just spritz it on my face...probably 5 sprays...maybe I am over spraying my face? LOL. I'm not giving up either, now that I am finally finding something that I love for my face!!"

I replied : Now that you are getting comfortable in your routine and seeing results we can tweak it a little to get you exactly what you need.  It's all about finding the balance.  I have some ideas that we can discuss next week at your facial ."

So, should she be using the blemish control cleanser day and night? or for only one of the cleanses? it's so hard to decide what to experiment with.  I am going to suggest the blemish toner pads, but as you can see by her message she loves the toner.   

Robin:  I'm glad to hear she is happy.  Finding the perfect fit for each person takes some time.  Yes, the Blemish cleanser can be a daily cleanser, but if she feels dry, then add in the Green Tea once a day.  However, because she's using the Cucumber Hydrating Toner, I don't think she will have that problem.


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