What is considered a typical percentage amount to pay for a room rental when you pay the owner a commission on what you make? I know it varies by location but would like to hear what percentage some of you are paying.

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Wow, is that for part time or full time? What kind of place is it? That's another thing, The owner said I'd have to use her Umbrella insurance in order to rent her room. I'd much rather keep ASCP insurance if I can, but don't know if it'd work that way. I sent her some information on it.
Well I started my own business a year and a half ago and have been renting a room in a natural health center and she was willing to do percentage. I needed to build my clientele and couldn't afford weekly/monthly so it was perfect for me. I have built clientele now and I am looking for another place since I've moved to a different location. In fact, I just found a really cute salon/spa in Los Gatos area, she wants $150 per week for 3 days a week which sounds like a good deal for that area. I only want to work part time. Is that a reasonable price? Also..I was surprised she said if I want to sell my own retail out of the facial room that I have to pay her $50 per week (yikes) but she'd be willing to buy my products and sell it for me and I'd make commission on it.  This is all new to me but I really want to rent the room..so if anyone has any opinions on this situation, please feel free to reply to me!


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