I recently had a new client come in that bought some product after a facial. I went into detail about each product and how to use them and I gave her my business card and told her to call if she had any further questions or concerns. A couple weeks later she came in to get a massage with another therapist and told the massage therapist that she had problems with the product and broke out into tiny red bumps. I have since called her and left a message and waiting to hear back from her.

On her intake form she listed no allergies nor having any sensitivity to any other products. How would you deal with this situation? Could I have given a bad recommendation? What is your return policy on product? This has never happened to me before.

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We always try to sample every product for the patient to try before they open the actual bottle. This way if they react to the product it can be returned for a credit and we can put the upopened product back in inventory. its always a good idea to follow up with your customer 1 to 2 weeks after the purchase to make sure they are using it properly and happy with the results.  

It sounds like you did everything right Erica,she is the one at fault. She should have contacted you right away and the two of you could have worked together to figure it out. Clients don't realize that part of amazing skin care is working with and not against your skincare professional. Unfortunately it probably won't be the last time it will ever happen. Usually with a first time client I start them on a few samples that get them by for the week. If the facial was good and the products are working they come back to purchase. That way you don't lose out on a product purchase return and because they don't leave overwhelmed with a whole new regiment they have time to try and buy later. Take a deep breathe girl, you did good!

P.S. Because so much time went by it's going to be hard to know if and what caused the reaction,usually if a reaction occurs it is in the first 24-48 hours of use. It's possible it wasn't even related.

I have to agree here.  Some important questions need to be asked here.  How soon after using the products did she have this reaction?  What else is she doing.... example... is she taking any type of supplementation?  Started an new exercise routine?  Use a different sunscreen at the pool?  What does she do for a living?  Did she start HCG weight loss?  Herbal supplements?  New medication? Is she having buyers remorse?  Unless you hear back from her you may never know.  Do not doubt your product or abilities.  This happens to all of us.  There are so many things that are unforseen that you have no control over.  You have done the right thing and taken the proper steps.  Learn from this situation and let is go.  ALSO-- It would be great if we could trust everything on an intake form.  Unfortunately, some people do not wish to disclose everything to us either for privacy reasons or they want to be perceived in a certain way.  It is too bad we cannot rely solely on client information!!!  Always make sure they sign and date the bottom!!!  


I agree with what everyone is saying. You try your best to please everyone and sometimes you just can't. It seems to me that you did everything right, you even told her to call you and she didn't.

Whenever a new client comes in, I give them a little gift bag of samples, depending on skin type.Enough to last a couple of weeks. This way they can try it and see if they like it. Also, they feel no pressure to buy. If I had a client who came in and had a bad reaction to the product, even though the company doesn't refund, I would eat the cost to save a client. Don't forget she didn't even give you that option.

I know we are in the business to help people and it really hurts when someone is unhappy with us. Stop beating yourself up.


Hi Erica. I'm sure your recomendations were great. However, some products that we may recommend could possible irritate or cause a reaction.  Meaning, usually I would  not recommend that a client start new products immediately after a facial. Especially products with AHA's or BHA's. Possible the product was just too much for their skin, On top of the TX you did.  (Just an example not sure what products you used or recommended). So, give your client a day or time frame to start using the new products after a TX, also really educate ur client on what's in the products you prescribe and why. This way they don't misuse a products that could really benefit their skin.



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