I just opened my own business inside of a doctor's office. I get to use their receptionist and was wanting to make a list of questions she may encounter and how to answer them. I am newly graduated, however, and am not sure what questions to expect or be prepared for. I offer waxing, facials, chemical peels, body wraps, eyelash extensions and lash/brow tinting. Any help woud be greatly appreciated!!

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It would be a good idea to type up your list of services with a description of what each service entails, cost, time length of service, etc so she can access the info quickly when someone calls. Ask her to leave more detailed answers to you. Make sure one of your services is a Skin Consultation, so an undecided client can talk with you and choose the right service for their skin.
Offer a free skin analysis, consult and evaluation. keep in mind that not everybody is a candidate for the above procedures so only you can determine their needs. She can tell the prices and duration of each tx, but no more... Give her a complimentary facial, tint, wax...then she will know what you are all about. Come to think , offer it once to everybody in the office, that way they can talk it up. Best of luck !!!
Thank you so much!! I have been really busy and this has been one of my first opportunities to log back on!! Which, yes, is a GOOD thing! I have forgotten how much great info is on here!
I also work in a Drs. office and rent a room.  I have the clients call me direct.  If they call the Drs. office the receptionist wil give them my number.  This way I am the only one dealing with my clients which makes it easier for all of us!! Good Luck

First and foremost they will have questions about the services.  I would give her easily explainable bullet point reference sheets (eventually she'll have the info memorized)

Second, clients will ask what service they should get...when it comes to client specific questions have her book the alotted time service and re-assure the client you will provide a thorough assessment and choose the best service tailored for them or have them booked for a 15min compl. consultation


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