What is your favorite Image product?

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The Max Cream! Wonderful stuff, I cannot keep it on my shelves!
I love using that! I love the smell of it, it always makes my skin feel so soft too!

Would love to hear more about your experience with Image and the results you are seeing?  Also best retail and your favorites...Thanks

Eye creams are a big retail item for me, I like that they have a few different to choose from based on specific concerns. My biggest sellers would be anything from the Vital C line, especially the cleanser and serum.  Personally, I really love the Vital C cleanser, it feels as if I put moisturizer on when I use it, very hydrating. I also really like the universal moisturizer as it is not sticky and it keeps my skin hydrated and protected throughout the day. Have you tried any Image products yet Kathy?

Thanks Erin,

I have had some small samples which were all fine. I purchased Total Anti-aging Serum but have not seen a difference in my skin and have been using it for a couple months. I do get a slight inflammatory response with it that I'm not sure my clients would apprecciate as that's waht we try to avoid. I've been told the delivery system uses glycolics vs liposomes, nanaospheres, etc. so I need to know more about that.  Acids are becoming controversial in anti-aging and I need facts. This is a very interesting line that has good reviews, but I really wasnt delivery and great results.  Have you ever looked into Osmosis?

Kathy, you should get in contact with a local rep. They can provide you with great information, before and after photos, product education classes, etc. I have found that you need more than just one product in order to see a real noticeable difference, if you pair your serum with a cleanser and a moisturizer from Image, than that will help you to see something. All the products work synergistically so therefor having a few to try at a time will give you the best results. I have not checked out Osmosis, is that another skincare line?

Hi Erin,

Yes, it is.  Dr. Ben Johnson, who was with Cosmedix, has the Osmosis line and the philosophy is toward dermal repair and rebuilding vs the over use of acids that seem to be so prevalent in skincare today. It's a different direction, but I'm interested, and the liposome delivery system makes sense to me.

Osmosis uses human stem cells. I used it for a bit and went from having no acne to having stage 4. it is not for everyone. Image uses stem cells from plants, so our bodies are less likely to reject them.
Goodness, that is scary to hear about your acne! Even more so since I am planning to use the line. From what I have learned they don't actually put human stem cells into the products - as you said we would reject them. They harvest the growth factors from the stem cell cultures. So curious what products you used that gave you that reaction?
if you want to see a change in your skin, go with the max eye cream, night cream and serum and use the ageless cleanser. You will see a huge difference. The max is the new line, a lot of research went into it. It is hydrating and has stem cells in it that help your skin regenerate. It is safe for anyone over 18 & sensitive skin! That is what I sell the most. I used to love vit C everything, but max is better for a range of people.
Thanks so much for your input everyone. I am planning at looking at both line very closely and have talked with several places that carry the lines. (I have taken a class with Image and have signed up for one with Osmosis).  It seems everyone loves what they have and I want the science supported by research and results with a reasonable price point...also one not available on-line.
The Max (of Image) line does not use acids... I do not sell much of the things that have acids where I live...


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