What is your favorite Image product?

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I have a question.... I just opened an account with Image and am SO excited about their products and can't wait to get my samples and all the product information and start learning the line- and I am KICKING myself that I didn't learn about them when I first got rolling b/c I had more $$ to invest THEN than NOW. :-P


I also love Skin Scripts- I have several products... I also love their price points and their set shipping cost (and no minimum, etc.)

Does anyone combine these 2 lines- and how are you best doing that if you are??


Gina, I am combining Image and Tu'el. I am not familiar with skin scripts. Image is lacking in "true masks" because they are very clinical and want you to use a peel for that step.

FYI, The perfection peel is AMAZING! it is not as itchy when you are peeling, and you peel like a snake. Do it on yourself or a friend so you can explain it to your clients. I would not bother getting the glycolic/sal peel because it is not as effective as the perfection peel. Good Luck! 

wow! thanks for this! what is the pH of the perfection peel? and the percentages? I can't WAIT to get my information- I'm dying to look at it all.
not sure about that... you can ask your rep... I don't remember.
which one is the perfection peel?? I'm not seeing it on the wholesale list.

I used Osmosis for awhile.  All my clients reacted to it. One of them came back the next day with a rash all over from the Mend. I had to give her products to reverse the inflammation and had to give her a free facial to make up for it plus the product was free. I used the anti aging line on myself. At first the results were great but then my skin kept getting more and more dry, eventually my eyes would burn if I touched them. And no, it wasn't an allergic reaction. I used it for 4 months. My opinion Osmosis was way to intense. I am just now using Image, Ageless. I can definitely tell a difference. I am really excited to learn more about this line. Is anyone going to Chicago on the 12th for the Para Medical class? I am hoping to meet up with some other Etsys from this board. You all have such great information. 

Thanks all


OK- for you Image pros.... I am trying to get a good handle on the products and the usage/recommendation.

I have a 40+ yo client who has battled with cystic acne but took 2 round of Accutane and now has diminished sebasceous glands so her skin is now pretty dry w/fine pores, but she will still get hormonal acne on her chin/jaw area. She also tends to be reactive.

I am looking at the Comprehensive Product Recommendations in the manual... and trying to see where she might best fit in... would the "Acne Prone" category be the best for this type of situation? I don't want to overdry her skin.

She also has a main concern of pigmentation, so I was going to suggest the Skin Lightening Serum, and probably the Lightening Lift.


Gina, Be careful with the Lightening Lift, sometimes I put a little Salicylic on breakouts first, then do the Peel (you don't want to break her out more)...or possibly opt for the perfection Lift with a little Kojic booster for dark areas.

I often put adults 40+ with acne on Ageless Cleanser or maybe Ormedic since she's so sensitive, The Clear Cell Acne lotion for her breakout areas ONLY. My clients with sensitive/acne skin love the Ormedic Balancing Bio-peptide creme. The bleaching serum once day should be fine especially if used at night with Retinol Creme. Maybe have her use the bleach with the Retinol only a few times a week and on the off nights try the Bio-peptide.


And of course SPF, I would try the Universal SPF on her.  Good luck, it's all trial and error really!

Would you ever put someone 40+ on Clear Cell? someone pretty oily, larger pores that tend to really congest, acne-prone?
I have mixed the lines and used some clear cell for a male in is 40s, it has really helped him a lot. He uses the cleanser and acne lotion along with other more gentle products from the vital c line. He had a lot of congestion and blackheads in the beginning and his skin has shown a very significant difference.

Ormedic Balancing Eye Lift Gel, not greasy, doesn't make my makeup run, helps the crows feet!


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