Does anyone use craigslist for advertising? If so how has it worked for you. I am thinking of trying it but don t want to attract the wrong clientele.

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Hi Summerr,

I posted a couple of advertisments on Craigslist and had no response.  Perhaps not the right venue for me.  I've had better response putting a special on Yelp.  Hope that helps. Good luck.

Here's how I use Craigslist guys...

I post on it all the time. I don't really expect to get any new clients from those posts but what it does is make you look important to the spiders out there in cyberspace looking at information. The more your name pops up, the more important you seem. I know that I'm not talking technical lingo, but I hope you get the idea. It actually helps your website move closer to the top of the google, yahoo etc. pages just because you seem more important. It's well worth the couple of minutes each day or week to place an ad!

@Shelley: I haven't thought of it that way.  That makes so much sense.  Gosh, there is lots to learn.  Thank you!


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