I was thinking about something.   Can the skin scripts enzymes be used as part of hand and foot treatments too?

What are your thoughts on this?

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Hello Dorothy,

I've been giving my services with Skin Script, and as we know our "facial" skin is thinner in most part of it than the skin that covers the rest of our body.  This said, I would think that you can,  and I also believe that  you will need to increase the intensity with perhaps few pumps of the "chemical" part of this great line, depending on the accessment that you've done with the client, like: (e.g. type of skin and the "condition/problem" ... etc.)  that your going to better for your client in this case.

This would be my initial suggestion, I know there'll be more to come ... pretty soon!


I offer glycolic hand treatments, ppl seem to like them :)

Hello Ann,


Just a question, Do you do the same as on the face (e.g. cleanse(2) apply (treatment/Glycolic) Etc.?

Thanks for the input!  And Happy Holidays!


Hi Barbara :)

I just use a "degreaser" to cleanse the back of the hand and then apply a layer or 2 of Skin Script's 30% glycolic with a fan brush. I offer a foot massage while steaming so I first do the hands, then work on the feet..when I am done with the feet, I wash my hands, remove glycolic from hands...and get back to work :)

Thanks for your input and sharing ! ! !  I'm looking forwards on trying it, If you dont mind! ... Have a prosperous year 2012! Waho I hope I wrote that right! smiling!



of course I don't mind!!! I love sharing ideas and am flattered when people want to use them :) Best of luck in 2012 to you as well Barb :)

I think it would be a nice treat.

I don't like to "fuss" too much with hand/foot treatments...I like quick and easy.

So I don't offer these treatments on my menu.

Every so often I will offer a treatment if I am doing a special package.

But I find it easier, quicker, and more cost effective to just use my Spa Blends butter scrub and butter cream for the feet.  And just a butter cream for the massage on hands.

The enzyme/peel hand or foot treatment would be very high end!

Hi Cindy who is the butter scrub and cream by? I am also looking for a nice rich and good smaeeling cream for the hands and feet. Thanks 

Spa Blends is the company.

I use either one of their scented scrubs and body butter or use their unscented and make up my own seasonal scent.

I was just thinking of using the green tea citrus cleanser, coconut/papaya enzyme, and the seaweed mask.

I like these ideas!  During the holidays, I used the Pumpkin enyzme (light layer) on hands, then occluded the hands with saran wrap.  After 10 minutes, I used my dermafile on the hands (with pumpkin enzyme still on) and then removed with a warm towel.  The clients loved the way their hands smelled and they were very soft!

I wonder if I would have to add a drop or two of chemical peels with the enzyme to give it that little kick for flaky, wrinkles, or hyper-pigmentation?


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