Hi my fellow Estys!

I'm very interested in getting trained in the CryBaby Mascara (http://crybabymascara.com/) product/procedure. It's been like pulling teeth to get a date and time for a training in my area (No. Cali), I've had to really pressure them (probably a red flag). It was hard enough to get them to contact me after my initial inquiry to them, I sent 3 emails with the required criteria and then I finally called the 800 number and had to leave a message. The Director of Sales/Marketing emailed (not called) me and stated that they appeared on 'Doctor's' television show and they have been inundated with inquires. I didn't learn about them on tv I just happen to stumble across them surfing the net. I finally spoke to the trainer (there's only ONE in SF/Bay Area) and she promised to send me dates/times to train me and I never heard back from her, so I sent her several dates in March and she never replied. I waited a few days and contacted the Director of Sales again, he apologized again said they were way busy and he would reach out to her again. She finally emailed me the next day offering me Easter Sunday for training!??? I wrote back and reminded her that it was Easter and that my model nor I could do it that day and asked her to send me several dates and times to work with. It's been 4 days, haven't heard back from her.

Is anyone doing this service? What are your thoughts pros/cons about the company itself and the product?

Thanks Everyone!


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Hello Lori -  Yes I have trained with Cry Baby a year ago - additionally, I have trained others for a short time.    must say Cry Baby has not been very responsive to me either.  Regarding the product,  Any of the clients I have done have not been repeats.  It is a good product for those individuals going on vacation for a week or so - cruises, camping and such.  However, I do believe there needs to be a bit more perfecting in the product.  I am located in Houston.   If I were you,  I would wait or call some of the current users of the product and get their take.  

Connie thank you so much for your reply. I have a real bad gut feeling about the response times from this company, makes me leery about doing business with them on many levels. I will contact some other salons in my area to get their feedback, thanks for the suggestion. I think that I'll wait to try the product and/or training.


also looked in to the cry baby training and to me it seems so expensive for the training and the kit.  It would take awhile to make the money back.  I also had them done so I could see I liked them and if it was worth the training.  I did like having them and not having to use mascara the first time they lasted about 1 1/2 weeks and then about 2 weeks after the retouch.  I quit getting them after that just because of the time and expense.  I did like not having to worry about mascara but decided not to take the class it is just so expensive and the smell of the product was to much for me.  Not sure if this helped but I just wanted to share my thoughts on them.


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