Hi, I have a client in her 40's suffering from cystic acne - most of her life. She has tried "everything" as she has stated, even Dr's. She is now coming to me, and I am a newer Esty, and do not feel I have the complete knowledge to help her. Any ideas would be helpful.

Short history on our treatments... She started coming to me for facials, we did one glycolic peel which she broke out with tiny pustules (like you see after waxing)  all over her jaw area. We just rescently did a salacylic peel and we are liking the results better with no little pustules, nice sloughing and one large cyst starting to go away. BUT she called me this morning and more are now coming to the surface. She usually only gets about 3-4 at a time on her face.

Oh and one really interesting point. She has told me before she breaks out, she knows she is going to because she gets very tired. Abnormally tired!!


Have I bitten off more than I can chew here ladies??  Help please...  

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I would suggest a visit to her internist or endocrinologist to run some test and make sure everything's in order.

She might need something as simple as a liver flush... or not: but she'll never know unless she gets it checked out.

also check her diet....eating lots of carbs and sugar increases inflammation in the body and leads to breakouts.

I read recently that eating peanuts and peanut butter can also lead to breakouts. 

is she on the pill? some actually CAUSE terrible cystic acne especially in women in their 30's and 40's...I wish I could remember the name of the pill, I'm sorry!

In the case of cystic acne.... We as estheticians by law are only required to work on skin that is grade 1 or 2, cystic acne falls in the category of 3 and 4. There is almost no help that you can provide her with such a skin condition, however, should you continue to provide service to her I would have her to do chemical peels every week for 6 wks and then off for 3 wks, then on again for 6 wks which should really make a difference in the skins texture the skin will continue to purge as you do the peels until all dermis disorder is rooted out... when the skin gets better, I would incorporate microderms on a weekly basis in addition to the chemical peels. Also stick strictly with clay masks and use acne products only, no massaging on the skin whatsoever, in addition she has to overdose on water to push out the bacteria & impurities in the skin. Without the water, the will not get better @ all and it will be a wast of your time, hers & finances.... Hope this helps, and it will as long as your client is proactive, especially with the water. 

hi kristen, love your image, i use it as my logo for my spa, lol.

I have specialized in acne and cystic acne for most of my time as an esti. there are lots of things going on, and lots of things you can do. diet is absolutely an issue, as are birth control pills, and her home routine and products. it is waaaay to involved to go into here, as there are tons of variables.

i find that high frequency, purple, for 5-7 minutes, is a huge help. traditional acne masks like clay or sulphur, are usually good as well, but I have some really nice results with seaweed masks too. salacylic acid peels work very well also. i don't care for glycolic though, they seem to irritate more than help, esp with larger pored skin, or african-american skin.

if you want, call me at 530-262-4490 (in CA), give me some more info on client (ethnicity, skin texture, hoe routine, etc) and we can discuss. if that is allowed on here?

Thank you ladies so much for all of your input. I have been so frustrated with this issue because I really want to help my client have great skin.

@ Kelli, thank you I will call you when I get a free minute, would love to get your input!!!

I am a fairly new esty and will speak only of my personal experience... At age 34 and recently graduated from beauty school, I developed pretty severe cystic acne (cysts and small bumps). It was only on my chin line, neck and one cheek. After months of trial and error, I removed dairy from my diet and within three days I was practically cleared up. I found many others with this reaction in internet searches as well. Good luck!! 


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