Hi everybody!

Today in the class I took, the rep REALLY advised wearing gloves during every single treatment we do- including facials.

I have always been concerned that would turn clients off, but she indicated that as long as they are vinyl and fit well, it can actually be more comfortable to the client- and you just explain it's for their own protection.

What is everyone's thinking/practices regarding this??

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Why does she say it has to be worn during facials? I only use vinyl gloves during extractions especially clients with acne. It's important to wear them during peels since it can irritate and cause your hands to peel. But otherwise, I don't really see the point of wearing them throughout the whole facial, as long as we wash our hands before we begin. Also, when we cleanse their skin, that's also cleaning our hands!

She said that at any point secretions, bodily fluid, blood, etc. can be present and that we're just asking for trouble if we don't wear gloves to protect ourselves and our clients.  She was pretty compelling with her reasoning... I'm just not sure how clients will react to it.

She also said that a lot of product becomes absorbed by our hands, resulting in greater loss for us profit-wise. Also, the amount of products and ingredients we absorb through our skin over the course of a day is another thing to consider and protect against.

No absolutely not. Have you ever had a facial when the Estie wore gloves? Horrible! I agree with Katrina, only during extractions (to be safe from the spread of bacteria) and peels (to save your own skin!) The only time I know of people wearing gloves is if they don't have a sink in the treatment room then they can't wash their hands between the different steps so they just put on new gloves. But really not a nice feeling from the client point of view. "just saying"
Plus there are many people allergic to vinyl!

I didn't wear gloves while doing a facial, but I started to a few months ago. I find for the most part that the clients do not see that much difference, if any. The gloves need to fit very well, that's the trick. Also, I find that wearing gloves helps the lotions and oils move smoothly over the face...hope that helps...JM 

Years ago when I had my big Day Spa with many employees, I would have a potential employee do a facial on me before hiring them so I could experience their touch. I had one Esty wear gloves during the whole facial (including neck and shoulder massage!) and I was extremely turned off by it. It gave me the feeling that she was afraid to truly touch someone and a big part of why people come to us is to be touched. Needless to say....I didn't hire her.

Yes, NOW I do wear gloves for all my facials and waxing’s during the whole treatment. Aloetouch Synthetic Gloves

When I started practicing I did not wear gloves for the whole session, because I was not trained that way, so using gloves and the idea of wearing them, I HATED! However, one day while doing the neck massage part of the facial I felt something on the back of the neck of the client I was working on. It freaked me out when the client said, "Oh yah, I think it is herpes or something"!!!! GROSS!!! 

From then on I decided to wear gloves on every client. The gloves I like the best are from Smoothskinsupply.com

They are expensive, but worth it. Clients say they do not even feel them (I asked). In fact one male client told me "your hands are so smooth"!

I could not do a facial now without my green Aloe-touch gloves.


Ask one of your esthy classmates to do a facial on you with gloved hands and you can see what a difference it makes.  It's not a good feeling at all.   Last week I had a client who refused to answer the medical history questions that I have on my intake form, so I gloved up.  That has never happened before.  I was really caught off guard and surprised because she is a nurse.      Even though I explained to her that I follow HIPAA guidelines for storing client information, she was still not comfortable in disclosing her medical history.   I'm glad that she didn't rebook.  On the subject of saving product and it's penetration, I think the amount you would save would be so minimal it really wouldn't make a difference.


Typically,  the only time that I use gloves is during a peel or extractions. 


Wow! I kinda know what they are saying about wearing gloves that it gives that not personal touch.  Beacause I am one of those touchy feely kind of person.  Now I am thinking maybe it would be a good idea to wear gloves for reasons stated.  Latley I feel like my face is breaking out more and I don't know if its because I don't wear gloves.  Or also one of my fellow esteticians said she doesn't like to use a  facial steamer because of the bacteria that grows in their.  Does anyone have a say about that?  But I feel that the steamer is a big part of the facial.  I'm confused now.  Any thoughts please respond.  Thank you  ;0)

I would think if you are cleaning your steamer regularly as required by State Board, you shouldn't have any bacteria. Plus, the heat of the steamer alone (boiling water!!) I would think would kill off most bacteria, wouldn't you??

I don't like the idea of NOT wearing gloves- she was just so insistent that we DO. :-P I'm confused, too!! it's true- it only takes one interaction with something to ruin your life. :-/

I don't know why your face would be breaking out from not wearing gloves, unless you are touching your face alot with product on your hands. it's possible the steam is aggravating your pores if you're working under it.

Thanks Gina,

Yeah I think your right it might be aggravating my face while I'm steaming the client.  I will try not to be behind the client while the steamer is on.  See if that helps.   And I think your probably right as long as you keep it clean and the hot boiling water I think would def kill the bacteria. 


I think for now I will wear gloves with clients that have acne and maybe I will try out those gloves (Aloe Touch Synthetic) see if they really don't feel like your wearing gloves.  Thanks for your feedback.  There is so much to learn.  So glad that we can share our thoughts and opinions.  ;0)

I just reread my post... I meant I don't like the idea of wearing gloves... I prefer to touch skin to skin... but it is unsettling the potential.... :-/

I love this forum, too. :-)


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