Hello fellow Esti's

I am an esthetician in Ohio and I am in the process of opening my own skin care studio. I left a salon and while there I didn't really offer a product to help prevent ingrown hairs for bikini and Brazilian waxes. What products would you all recommend that I can use in my treatment room and also retail? Thanks for your help. This forum site is awesome!!

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TENDSKIN!!! i swear by it. It is a little pricey but if you get a client on these product that gets ingrown hairs and the truly stick to using it they WILL NOT get them! MY clients love it! A warning though it does contain some alcohol so does have a slight burn feeling when you put it on, or have your client wait a little bit after waxing or shaving.  

My philosophy is try to use natural products first before going to the more aggressive treatments. First thing I do is give them the lecture after a Brazilian that they need to keep the area clean & dry. No running around doing errands after the gym in your work out clothes because your just asking for issues. For light/medium ingrowns using a sugar scrub 2/3 per week or more aggressive 3/5 per week works great. i like KBShimmer sugar scrubs & lotions. 

If that doesn't work then I recommend post wax and for a 2 week followup Bye Bump Mask by Smoth Skin Supply. I have had great reviews & results with this product!! I even placed an order to carry it retail so clients can take it home. It is on the pricey side but its work it.

Honestly I have never had to go past this step because it is usually resolved by then. However, my next step would be to recommend Serious Serum or Plum Smooth ingrown hair treatment.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Where in Ohio are you?

Hi Gina. So sorry I tried to reply but for some reason my phone never sent the message successfully. I am in Gahanna (Columbus) How about you? 

I'm in Cincinnati! Best of luck to you!! Stay persistent and it will be worth it! Nothing beats being your own boss!


Hope you learn a little something from this.  Good luck btw, with opening up your own skin care studio!  Fantastic!

Thank you! I only get complaints from a handful of people and generally those are the ones who are workout junkies! I'll be sure to re iterate proper care to them.

Thank You!


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