Just opened a esthetician room in a new salon. Need more ideas on promoting myself!

I just rented a room in a new salon.   The grand opening is June 24th. 

The salon does nails and hair. 

I need ideas on how to promote myself to walk in customers.  Also to people around the area.  It's on a very busy street.  Great location.  I just need to get my name out there. 

I do facebook, twitter, constant contact and events.   What else can I do?


What is a good grand opening promotion?


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Get to know your co-workers, offer them good deals to try you, they can make very good referrals when they have tried you out.

Some will pass out any written specials. I give my co-workers & clients a $10 credit referral off any service I offer.

You could put out a fish bowl or similar and draw for a free service. Have them drop in a business card or slip with all info you'd like to have.

Is your FB a business page? If not I'd try that and if the salon has a page maybe you can have a link to your site.  If you have the Skin care insurance you can have a free website.

Check to see If there's a local networking group-some are expensive but some are reasonable and it might be worth a try, my group is $ 50 a year, local businesses with a mo. mtg. Some let you visit a few times without cost.

I donate alot of complimentary services in my area, especially the silent auction fundrasiers, those that pay a little will more likely become clients later, freebies not so much (in my experience).

Another thing I would suggest is answering the phone during services, especially if it's not a reg. client, alot of new people call until someone answers, I never did this until about 2 years ago when the bottom fell out of massage and I started esty school. I say "excuse me for a minute" and then try to be as brief as I can, asking if I can call back at the end of the service. I know alot of people won't agree with this. 11 or 12 years ago a chiro I was taking a CEU from said that was one of the worst things we do-is not answering the phone (hair stylists and nail techs answer but we esty's and Mt's don't) and suggested getting an ansering service, but that was never in my budget.

  Yes I use my facebook page for just business.  I put skincare tips, speacials I have and I'm a make-up artist so I put make-up videos up as well.  I also have a website.  I am planning on connecting with my co- workers as well.  I'll look into fundrasiers.  Thanks!

I would suggest doing one free facial/treatment of your choice for your staff members. Free is the key. This will create a relationship with them so easily! It's free! What do they have to lose? While you have them on your bed, you have the opportunity to have 50 minutes of uninterrupted attention with that person to completely promote yourself, wow them and encourage them to bring you clients by a referral system. Teach them why it is so important to have facials done regularly (so they can educate their clients). I would also encourage you to give them low cost on quick t/xs like facial waxing- just so that you have the constant contact with them, and they will talk about you more frequently since they too are "seeing you regularly".

Create a Yelp account and ask clients to Yelp about you if they liked their service. Even friends too. If they do, offer them 15% off next service or complimentary eye treatment on their next facial. A Facebook check-in is a good idea for discounts too.


See if you can post a little flyer by the register. Promote one seasonal facial/treatment and I'd even put a picture of yourself with a little write up of your background/interests etc so when clients come in for hair/nails next time and see you walking around, they associate you with skin care and you get facial recognition, as well as the bio takes the edge off of unsure clients- because they will feel like they almost already know you because of your little bio before they come to see you. Don't forget to put some service menus up there too so clients can take them!


I 100% disagree with answering your phone while in a treatment. #1, you shouldn't leave a client unattended. #2, to me, this is a slap in the face to the current client that is paying hard earned money to be with you for that hour. It just tells them their money is worth less than whoever is calling on the other end. It also will disrupt the flow of the treatment. I think if you PROMPTLY return calls (between services or ASAP) is the best way. I think you could change your VM to say, "If you are calling during business hours, I am with a client. Please leave a message and I will call you back as soon as the treatment ends." and that is completely sufficient. It also shows whoever calling that you are a busy place of business- which is encouraging for new customers.

Just my two cents! Sorry to disagree Deborah, I think your other suggestions are fabulous and completely on point!

My Salon is on Yelp so is it ok for my clients to write on that? My Services are on there website and menu at the front desk.  I don't think They will let me put something extra up on the front desk.  They are going to have bridal packages that I'll be apart of. 

Would a facial of the month, not a season, be a good idea?

  Part of the salon is nail walk in and then hair, appointment only, 4 chairs.  So I will be dealing with alot of walkins.  Whats the best way to deal with walk ins.  Just introduce my self and tell them about a speacial I am having? 

I turn my phone off during a facial.

Thanks so much!

Yeah i think the salon Yelp is ok- but I would create your own, too. I mean, why not? If you ever move, you have the Yelp reviews that go with you to any location! So that's a huge benefit. But I would also keep an eye out on the salon's Yelp and see what kind of reviews are going on there too!


A facial of the month or seasonal would both work fine. I think seasonal is easier to utilize and promote because it doesn't change every month, and if you don't get to updating the next month in time, you don't look bad! ;-) 

It depends on your product line, but you could do a "Summer Splash" or "Succulent Summer Skin" that focuses on hydrating the skin... read: chlorine from pools, sun exposure, heat, wind, etc. all cause the skin to lose moisture in the summer time.

One I always thought would be a big hit is, "Back to school, Back to skin" for all the moms that were busy with their kids all summer and now have time to get their skin back in great shape now that they are back in school. 

For fall you could do, "Fall Back, Beauty Forward" or some sort of Autumn themed special that included a pumpkin peel. Just be creative with the products you have and what you can tweak to make it seem like a perfectly matched special!

For monthly specials, I'd do something with the months- like for July, "Star spangled beauty" or anything that goes with holidays/months etc.


Walk ins are awesome I think! That's great. You are lucky! Getting them into the salon is half the battle! I would go out into the salon area and talk to people while they are receiving services (if it's ok with the stylist/tech/owners) and hand out your card. Tell them why you are a rockstar and why they need to book an appointment with you before they leave the salon! Another thing you could do is if you have a special product, offer to do their hands while their color is processing. Do one hand and let them see the difference if it is a nice exfoliation. Or do free consultations while they are sitting there. Ask them if they have questions about skincare, go over the menu with them, recommend treatments, even offer to show them your room and the things you have that can really help change their skin! This is your time to shine! You can do this!


Please keep me updated on how these things work! I'm know there are plenty of estheticians on here that have great ideas to share- so hopefully you can get more input too!

Thanks for the great ideas.  I'll put ideas together along with everyones on the site and organize them.

Wow Lauren! Those are some great ideas!! I love the names you come up with...that is 1/2 the battle for me. :) I might have to steal a few :)

Lindsey- During the Grand Opening I would do a raffle or something so that you can capture their info. That is key to building your business so that you can send out emails to past and potential clients. 

Good Luck!!!

It was a big paradigm shift for me! BTW-I don't leave the room and usually keep one hand on them. to my knowledge I have not had a client be unhappy about it. I look at text and answer from salon manager as well. I open the door carefully when delivery sales people knock. It's just what I feel I had to do. Could not tell you over the 11 years how darn many potential new clients I've lost! I've been in with lawyers and doctors who have had to answer the phone and I have never felt like that way you describe!  

I also have a VM that's quite similar, and all my regulars are on my contact list will wait for a call back or leave a message or text it's only the new numbers I answer.

I have always offered free services to key personnel, where ever I worked and I did for a long time in this place over 5 years ago but with approx. 45-50 tenants at any given time-I've pretty much quit. I offer any 50 min service for $ 45 and the $10. credit referrals.



congrats and best of luck!! i've done the same exact thing and have been very successful. i even wrote a salon and spa consultant kit to help other spa owners. it has been featured all over and is filled with tons of marketing and event ideas. check it out here and let me know what you think www.makeupwithme.com click on beauty buster and read about the kit

let me know how it helps and remember it comes with a free 15 minute phone call!


Thanks, I'll check it out!

The answering the phone topic could be a new topic of discussion.  Similar to the one I started about leaving a client for 10-20 mins during masking, leaving or interrupting their treatment for any other reason.  Might be a good discussion.    These are great ideas!  Thanks for sharing them! 


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