When I first started doing brows my fear was that I was going to take off their entire brow.  In the Brazilian area it was about hurting them.  What are your fears?

Tags: bikini, brazilian, brows, waxing

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The brow... a fear of taking to much or not shaping them correctly. I also need to find some good brow pencils.

Check out my brow dvd and brow kit


I have watched it a couple of times now. Used the techniques on a lady a couple of weeks ago, I was pleased, she was not. I made them way too thin in her mind. We just were not on the same page. to me they were not thin-I personally don't think most gals look good if too thin but to her-well, let's just say she won"t likely come to see me again! I have several that come regular and are thrilled with the results.  For being a year out of school I think I'm doing alot better since getting your video and I have another that I've watched several times. I really feel like I spend so much time with them-it's not really worth the price I charge. It's more the hope that I will get other wax services from them! It was just a little freebie I was doing in the middle of a facial and she was a previous massage client, so thought it was worth it-NOT! but it was a learning experience.


Hey Deborah,

Once you get past the learning curve it shouldn't take you longer than 20 minutes to do a complete brow design and 10 minutes for a clean up.  What do you feel is taking you the longest?   Are you doing a lot of tweezing?  If so, that means you need to practice more with the wax.  The wax should be removing 99.9% of the hair that you want to take away, then IF it's necessary, you can tweeze a few hairs.  It's about becoming more efficient in how you are performing your waxing service.  I

Thank you Cricket, these are the reasons I beleive, not pressing into skin enough with the wax, not holding the stick up correctly (was holding stick at an angle for applying soft) and not going close enough to brow, definately too much tweezing. I would be the one in school to remove half the width of a gal's brow, we were taught there to use soft and it squished into brow when applied to strip- unbeknownst to me! So, I guess I'm still being very cautious! I want them to be perfect!

Did my first male bikini line today-he had scheduled the other but being his first got terminology wrong or changed is mind. So, got to get my feet a little wet but just the touching and moving things out of the way helped me overcome that bit of imtimadation. I felt fairly well prepared, I'd seen wax queen in person twice recently with male models and had videos which I watched twice last night. Hopefully won't be too long till I get another one.

I use hard wax exclusively for the Brows.  You can get right up to the line without fear of removing too much.  Once you place hard wax, it stays where you put it.  You need, place it where you want it first, then go back and mold it into the hair.  I'll put up a a new tutorial on the application technique for brows so you can get a better idea. Once you get over the fear, you'll be more confident and be able to move more quickly.

Thank you Crickett, I so appreciate you and this board. It is such a great help, I watched your tape again earlier on the hard wax side and was noticing how you molded it.

I use soft wax w/brows only because I feel like I can work with it a little better. I feel like the hard wax balls up on the stick more or doesn't really stick to the hairs as well. I've tried numerous times with different types of hair, and honestly I feel like 99.9% of the time the hairs don't come up! 
Any advice? Will look forward to your video!

Hi Noura,

If the wax is balling up and not going onto the hair, it sounds like your wax is getting too cool before application.  Once you take the wax out of the pot you have to be fairly quick to use it or it cools and will not stick to the hair.  Hard wax takes practice, but it's so worth it. 

The tutorial is posted, search under: How to apply HARD Wax in the Brow area, to STOP the need for tweezing :)

Yeah you're wax seems great! You make it look so easy ;) Will definitely start practicing. Thank you! 

Crickett, is this tutorial still posted? Eyebrows scare me....I bought both your DvD's last night

Hi Renee,

Yes, if you go to www.thewaxchick.com and click on the tutorials page you can find it there.  Your DVD's will be on their way tomorrow.  Thanks for the order and let me know if you have any other questions.


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