Hi everyone.  I work for a spa, but have my own Facebook page dedicated to announcing my openings, specials, etc.  I believe alot of people in my area have received treatments from the super large spas, where the service may not be as personal as mine would be.  I would like to get word out that I customize my treatments, never leave my client alone, and perform massage during exfoliation and masking.  I just don't want it to come across that I'm putting down the spas that don't do these things.  I just want people who may have had an experience that they weren't thrilled with know that not all facial treatments are the same. 


I've personally had 2 facials where there was no relaxation, no massage included, and I was left lying in the dark with no idea when the therapist would return.  Both in my area. I found both to be stressful, and if I didn't know any different, I would shun all facial treatments based on those 2 experiences alone.  So I want to try to grab people who may have had a one-time similar experience and said 'never again' to all skin treatments, but again, without putting those places down, as they are just  very different from me and where I work. 


Anyone have a good way I can state this on my Facebook page so maybe someone who may have had a less than great experience may be willing to give it another try, with me? 


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I would just state the facts and put pictures up.  Copy and Paste that 2cd paragraph 8 )

Below is what I ended up posting.  I wanted to do it in a way that didn't put down other places. 

Not all facial treatments are created equal.  At (our spa), your treatment is customized to YOUR skin concerns.  We use products geared to your skin type for the best possible results.  Relaxation is a big part of your treatment with me.  You will leave feeling refreshed, relaxed, with smooth, glowing, hydrated skin.  What could be better?  Call now to reserve your appointment. 

sounds great! and no ones toes were stepped on. 

I think you came up with a great solution! Sounds very inviting :-)

I like that wording. If you are independent and working on your own, I'd go even further and use "I" instead of "We" so you stand out as different from the bigger businesses in the area. You could also change the last line to "Call now to reserve a consultation and appointment" or "skin analysis and appointment" so they know it's more than just the same production-line facial everybody else gets.


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