Hi everybody!

Today in the class I took, the rep REALLY advised wearing gloves during every single treatment we do- including facials.

I have always been concerned that would turn clients off, but she indicated that as long as they are vinyl and fit well, it can actually be more comfortable to the client- and you just explain it's for their own protection.

What is everyone's thinking/practices regarding this??

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I almost always wear gloves, particularly with AHA peels and extractions.  I don't necessarily through the cleanser, exfoliant (unless I'm using a peel), masque, toning or moisturizer, but I nearly always do through extractions.  If a client has acne or open wounds, I certainly will throughout the whole process, not just for my sake but for theirs too.  I know I'm late but this is a great thread.

I use gloves pretty much only on acne clients, especially of course if they are in an active outbreak. And of course I glove up during extractions but that's it...massage therapists don't glove up and are not required to so I don't understand why esties would need to...also I think there is so much over thinking regarding certain sanitation...I actually read that when taking linens off the table they should all be rolled up (while wearing gloves!) and never to touch the areas where a client was lying...crazy...just using common sense is the answer...wash hands, glove up if skin is broken or doing extractions...

Human touch is THERAPY...people are craving it now more than ever...if it means I need to use a little extra product, so be it...

I always wear gloves for my facials...I feel naked without them.  I honestly do it as more of a personal preference for myself, I feel it gives me better slip and I actually have clients compliment the gloves.  They usually say wow I never really like gloves but I like those.  I use the Diane brand nylon gloves.  Towards the end of my facial, however, once I have done the hand and arm massage, I will take them off and put the serums, moisturizer and sunblock on.  I am not sure why, it's just how I do things.  :). 

That is pretty much what I do too!!

Sheila, I can't find the Diane brand nylon gloves..can you provide a link I can click so I can check them out to purchase? I've been currently using Aloe touch gloves, I wonder if yours are thinner. 

Do you have a Salon Centric near you?  I looked up your location and there are a few in Cali but I am not sure how close you are.  I get the gloves from them.  I couldn't find them on line either.  They are pretty thin, the only problem I tend to have is the are baggy in the wrist.  I have larger hands, long fingers and I am able to use a small. 

Yes I do...ok I will definitely check to see if they have it inside the Salon Centric store. Strange on the bagginess on the wrist area..hopefully they will be at a decent low price then! lol I feel like I go through the gloves just like disposable waxing sticks.

They are around $6 for a box of 100 I beleive.  I finally bought the larger waxing sticks for areas like legs and arms.  I spent the money and bought a good amount of them bc I was tired of going through so many.  Do you use both sides of the stick?  I started doing that too, I just wrap a paper or something around the used end and then use the other end.  Hope you are able to find them.  Be careful and make sure it's the Nylon ones, I accidentally bought the latex before and luckily didn't have any reactions.  The latex are a lot better, but to avoid allergies, I use the nylon.

No way, I have to ask! Where did you get the larger waxing  disposable sticks? I have only seen very few that are longer by 8" and are like $11 bucks for one stick..there's no way I can afford that if I need many of them. I've just been breaking my popsicle sticks in half so I use two sides. You prefer nylon over vinyl? Definitely seems hard to find those online. 

Hmm this is interesting and it seems like I would have to find some good gloves. Some people are dishonest and some honestly dont realize why medical disclosure is so important. I only wear gloves during extractions and peels but I may need to rethink this. There are great points on both sides and if I can get a good glove that feels like hands then I will check it out

I replied to this message in 2011.  Interesting it is still going.  I really was one who was personally against wearing gloves other than extractions.  I have since changed my mind and hopefully yours as well.  One of my best customers, who was also a Cosmetician, went for her annual checkup and found out she had hepatitis C.  Does not know how she contracted it.  NEED I SAY MORE!  BE SMART and wear your gloves.  It is not worth your getting sick. I have never had a complaint using them, just make sure they fit good and don't use latex ( due to allergies).  Also do not skimp on cleaning and sterilizing your equipment, brushes, tools etc.  I have always kept up with good practices on sanitation.....it is so very important.

Wow, interesting to see that you've changed your practice.  That can be tough to do after having habits, but I'm sure you've made a wise decision.  I wear them the vast majority of the time, and I've never had a complaint at all.  I think my clients really appreciate the protection and caution.  Sheila, I am going to look into that brand!  Do any of you order from Universal Companies?  They have a huge selection, but I think they are pretty pricey.


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