I have a new client who came in for a brow and brazilian wax. The brow wax went beautifully but the brazilian was a nightmare.The client has coarse, dense, somewhat long pubic hair and hasn't waxed in years.I didn't have a problem waxing the bikini area but waxing towards the mound and labia were impossible. I use Cirepil Blue and have never had trouble with it before but this time it would just NOT pull the hair out. We live in hot, humid climate and i did have the air conditioning on. I thoroughly cleansed the area, and used powder to absorb any extra oil. She was a trooper and thought it was her fault. I finished the bikini area and she had a meeting to go to and left. I suggested that she trim the remaining hair and is coming back tomorrow so I can finish the job. I need help! I am new to brazilian waxing and have never had a client with such thick, coarse hair before. I obviously do not want to hurt her and I want her to be happy with the service. What can I do? Make the room colder? Should the trim help? Please help!

Tags: brazilian, coarse, hair, problems, wax, waxing

Views: 323

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Get through the first one and make smaller wax tabs on her hair. For thick and coarse you have to work away at it in tiny chunks. Otherwise you will break the strip or break the hair. Explain to her that the first time is the worst and if she continues on a regimen of every four weeks for her appointments it will be a lot easier with each visit as hair slows growth and isn't given time to completely grow back in. But like I said, small areas not large ones.

If she doesn't come back trimmed, I would trim first down to 1/2" or so, (I think I prefer to do trimming as I won't get it too short), going back and forth to enrove the hair, often times the hair growing in different directions in several areas down there, so trimming will help you to see growth pattern better and enroving will help, firm pressure at top of stroke when applying and firm pressure on bottom of stroke when removing. I make long strokes but pull, rebrace, pull again. I've never used powder. Good luck.



ive been using the berins jetset hard wax.  its lovely for bikini.  sets fast.  made for humid climates and bikini area, since area does tend to be warmer.  ive never had an issue with it, and ive used just about everything. though it does takes some finesse.  i find it lays better with no oil under... even with facial, under arm, ect.  the temp has to be just right to get a good spread... the wax is an amazing consistancy.... like spreading lotion, strip sets fast, stays pliable, does not get brittle, and really does not hurt as much.  almost feel like when you pull, there no resistance.  its pretty wild.  i use which gazel to cleanse first, and dust a fine powder down, remove excess... work like a charm

down side, have to lay strip fast, cause it set fast, and its very stringy....  consider it in future to avoid mishaps like this. 

thick hair is tough, you really gotta lock it in the strip with back and forth motions.  like mentioned previous, small, quater size strips, use a smaller wax stick around labia.  with the blue wax, with it gets stuck like that, i add a bit more on top, let it set a bit, then take a cold, wet cotton round to make it is set enough for the pull. 

you find your groove, favorites, and technique...  practice, practice, practice....  goodluck

Hi Erin, sorry for the late response.   I recommend some training.  I have a couple of really good dvd's that would be very helpful in showing how to work with long hair (I never trim).  Please contact me privately and I would be happy to offer you some options to improving your skills.  crickett@thewaxchick.com

I'm going to your Dallas workshop and I couldn't be more excited!! =)) 

So glad!  Excited to meet you.


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