It’s been a few years now; but, I am just recovering from one of the most challenging times in my professional career as the founder and president of Tamara’s Professional Body Sugaring.

I relocated my company from where I started it in Carson City, NV moved closer to family in Washington State – a little town just a short drive from Seattle.
Trying to move while you’re still running a full-time skin care and massage business is not easy. My first goal was to move the company and be able to walk-in and start working with little to no time lost. There was a huge obstacle in my way: finding a commercial space and someone to help create the space that I needed. It took awhile, but I didn’t give up and finally found one.
Like with many challenges, it seems the right people, or the right choice comes into view. I was happy to find the right people who worked so hard and so fast to create a wonderful work environment. I was in Nevada and this team was installing commercial equipment in what would be my new space in one of the most hot and humid months in Washington’s history. Some of you may remember the issues we had with the humidity and how it affected the sugar those first couple of weeks. It didn’t take us long to get that resolved and we were up and running in our new space.
I learned that things work out not always as you plan, but the way it should. You have to have a lot of patience, take it step-by-step, and trust in yourself and your decisions. It was a great lesson in remembering like what Christopher Robin told Winnie the Pooh: “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
What about you? What challenges have you run into? How did you overcome them? When has your life taught you that you’re brave, strong, and smart?

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