Susan Nathan


Chico, CA

United States

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What best describes your position in the skin care profession?
Licensed Esthetician
What setting(s) do you work in?

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  • Angel Hedrick

    Hi susan, i just wanted to check and see that you got my email and I left you a message in your inbox on here....Thank you!! :-)
  • Sayra Hill

    I can personaly share with all of you that Susan Nathan's products are superior!  She is spot on with her thoughts that you don't need expensive equipment to do microderming. Try her samples they work so well you won't have a need for investing in equipment for exfoliating. 

  • Juliette Zweig

    Hi Susan,

    I don't think it was the Aloe Vera.  She would have reacted to the cleanser. And, of course we went over in detail, sensitivities, allergies and reactions to anything she has ever put on her skin, eaten, or in the air.   She was kind of a high maintenance gal, and I was being super cautious with her.  

    Thanks for the information about Aloe Vera, though. I have never heard of someone having a bad reaction to that ingredient.  Sometimes we forget that just because something is "supposed" to work in a certain way, does not mean that one will not have an adverse reaction.  

