penny valentine


Aurora, CO

United States

Profile Information:

What best describes your position in the skin care profession?
Licensed Esthetician
What setting(s) do you work in?
Self-employed/Booth Rental

Comment Wall:

  • Amber McFarland

    Just want to sent a public Thanks To you Miss penny.You jumped thue hoops to take care of my order and get me started . And my skin room opened with a bang and is going   wonderful. actually I'm 6  facials in and LOVING, let me say again LOVING the product line.I have worked on all skin types now and find the product to be very soothing and refreshing to the skin. I't easy to follow and feels great.  No one can believe the affordability of such a great product. I couldn't be happier.  Amber
  • Vanessa Barrientez

    Will you please resend the info on Tao. thanks.