

Yuma, AZ

United States

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What best describes your position in the skin care profession?
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  • Sheila Gordon

    Well I just started out so I wanted to offer minimal treatments so I wasn't overwhelmed. I just use micro, led, facials and chemical peels. Really the ultrasonic is for exfoliating and then penetrating product.. U exfoliate w micro and can penetrate w Led. As far as the facial toning.. I was never taught to use that so I dont have anything in place of that just massage techniques. Then the hot and cold hammer I was never taught either but really the hot is to open pores so you can do that w steam and massage and then the cold to close.. You could always use a cool towel at the end of treatmenr but  i usually put tons of serums on so i want them to soak in nicely. Who knows maybe one day I will use them but right now all of the pieces sit in a cabinet :). If I could have a do over I would buy just micro and then a hand held led. Have youbeen in the field long? I havent so maybe Im not the best for advice. 
  • Sheila Gordon

    Well I am very new myself, I just graduated in Nov but in searching for a job, I stumbled across a room rental that was an opportunity I couldn't pass up and I ended up starting my own business.  Kinda scary as the first weeks were busy, then last week pretty slow, but this week seems to be picking up again, but I am happy about my decisiion. far as tips and tricks, I am not sure that I have much to offer you right  I watch a lot of you tube videos to get massage techniques and just read a lot. Sign up for free skin care magazines and like different things on FB if you haven't already.  Product wise, I have used Image, Sanitas, and Glotherapeutics, and some PCA.  I a currently using the Glo in my backbar and retail...I like the product a lot, I am not sure about their CS though so while it suits me for now, I am always keeping an open mind.  I also like going to the trade shows just for the purposes of taking classes anytime I can.  Good luck with everything, let me know how it goes :).