What do you do differently, if anything, when doing a men's facial?  I have given my husband facials, and I have one regular male client that I've seen twice now (I took over when the esty he used to see quit) and had a few occasionals.  I pretty much do the same facial I do for women (customizing products).  Just wondering if there are different facial massage techniques for men or certain products that work better where the  beard is.  I must admit, I my hands hurt after doing facial massage over 5 o'clock shadow.  Help! 

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I LOVE Glymed for men! The smell is fantastic; subtle hints of lemon & basil.  Corine, how funny you mention the men's shaving cream - I use it for my legs too! My best retail item from this line besides the Men's Travel Kit is the Post Shave Recovery Balm.

I have my husband on the Dermalogica Shave line for men and he likes it.

Do You retail at all this line, and how does not clients like it?  

Yes, we retail Dermalogica and my clients seem to like it. 

what should i get just to start,

That's up to you, what your clients need.  I am not in charge of ordering at my spa, so I don't know about the ordering practices.  We also use it in backbar.  What line are you currently using?

eminence and cures, i just went into glymed web but was not able to sign in as a professional, that sight is not working. I will call glymed tomm to get info and prices. 

I was just doing some research on a professional line and ran across the Raw line by Rhonda Allison.  Anyone used that before? 

I think for me I am trying to find something basic with more manly packaging I guess and something that won't be outrageous. 

nevermind about it bieing by Rhonda Allison...for some reason I saw it on her website through a blog and thought it was her line.  It's a separate line. 

@sheila Youre right. Rhonda Allison does have a line call RAW. its a seperate line, doesnt require a min, and doesnt smell bad. I gave my uncle a gift set for fathers day. Now i know he said he would use it, if he actually used it welllll i will never know. Lol
Any scalp massage video u suggest to learn from?

Thank you to all the Esty's for the great tips!  (Gloves, not shaving for a day, using a clarisonic!).  I actually have a male client tomorrow who has been getting facials for years due to his acneic skin and he has been a god send as far as me becoming a better esthetician since he knows what he likes, what he doesn't like and he isn't afraid to tell you when you've done a horrible job.  Luckily he's also a friend, so he usually goes easy on me.  His big thing is that he is results driven.  If the facial doesn't produce results, then he moves on.  As far as figuring out what will be best for our male clients, I am thinking that the consultation is probably the most important part of the facial for them.  That way you can figure out how to solve their specific concern and really find out why they are there.  Did they get a gift certificate, do they like the massage, do they hate extractions, do they find steam suffocating?  The more customized and goal oriented you can make their facial, the more likely they are to come back.  

And as far as the massage - a pressure point massage would be awesome for a man's face since the pressure feels great and there isn't a lot of effleurage, thereby saving our hands!  


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