Does anyone suggest taking this in supplement for as well as topically for antiaging clients?  I just bought a liquid for myself along with powder collagen (also because I have joint issues) so I was curioous if anyone had success stories to share.  Thanks.

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I have read and heard that it does not have enough of an impact to make a difference. Same with the collagen. That being said, it certainly can't hurt and you never know what will work for someone. :)

I should have clarified that I meant for the skin. Oops. :)


I have been taking hyaluronic acid for about 2 months.  I had been having joint issues and it has really helped.  My husband-a physician-suggested it to me.  It helped him too...

I have also been doing a lot of extra stretching with a trainer to help.  I started the stretching before the hyaluronic acid but the stretching didn't start helping until after I started the hyaluronic acid.

Try it, if it doesn't work then stop it. As long as you don't have any allergies or contraindications then why not?


I saw a tv show about it. I'm curious too! Let me know if you have good results!

Not sure about this, but I just took an anti-aging class and she stated taking glucosamine orally can help with both joints and skin health.  Something else to consider...I may try that!  

I was taking that for about half my life Jodi and while it used to be recommended, my mom was telling me that new studies have shown that it doesn't seem to work all that great.  I just switched to a new joint supplement, name escapes me now, but was recommended from guy at the vitamin shop.  I felt like my the glucosamine wasn't working anymore and I even swtiched to a liquid.  I am taking the new one plus the HA and collagen so hopefully.  I undortunately suffer from knee, hip and shoulder issues....maybe getting into sports at a young age wasn't the best thing :).  I will keep you posted!!

Please can you give the name for HA and collagen ( drops , pils ) ,its just its so many off them!!!!

both by neocell, HA blueberry liquid and super collagen powder.  I am just trying them so I will keep you posted.

Thank you ,

Thanks!  I only used glucosamine for my dog, never took it myself.  

You know they are also saying that dogs should be taking omegas too!!  I haven't started mine on it but they sure do have seasonal skin allergies.  The joys of having French Bulldogs :).

I have a client that is taking it for her knee problems.  She was told to have surgery but took this supplement for a month and now has no need for surgery. I myself have just started taking it but I think it takes awhile to make a difference.  I am now recommending it to clients.  Perhaps we should think more about supplements for the skin and our customers general health inside the body, a path that leads to the health of the skin.  I always recommend my client talk to her doctor first.


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