I'm looking for creative ideas for promoting my business at an upcoming event at the end of September. As a business owner I can promote my business by having my business cards, or any promotional items placed in a goodie bags. The bags will be reaching about 300-450 people at this one night event. I'm considering using my business card and having a coupon printed on the back.  Any other ideas?

Tags: Promotional, business, cards, event, ideas

Views: 159

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Just curious what type of event is this?
Hi Ann: Its an event to help raise money for a local battered womens shelter.
maybe they will also let you have a drawing: attendees can enter by submitting their name and email address (agreeing to be put on your emailing list for specials, updates,ect.) and the winner recieves a free service. Giving you a better chance of converting attendees to clients
Theresa, that is a wonderful fund raiser! One more thing you could do with regards to Laura's suggestion...for those that signed up but did not win the free service, you could offer a 10 or 20% discount to everyone else on the email list...good luck!!!
Great idea Laura!

Thanks Laura, great idea. I do know there is a silent auction and I am donating a certificate as well. This will be an awesome event  that will raise money for a good cause while supporting local business owners. But I love the raffle idea. If I can not use the idea this time I will another time.

Hi Theresa - I would put a separate coupon in the bag to be sure they see it.  sometimes the backs of business cards get overlooked especially if there will be many other similar cards in the goodie bag.  I have some attractive coupons with a slick design with my business info printed front and back that I use for these events and they do get noticed.


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