I just read a good article by Lee Polevoi posted on the Intuit Small Business Blog on "How to Win Back a Lost Customer." The article states that studies suggest the average small business loses up to 40 percent if its customers a year! Although the best remedy is not to lose the customer in the first place, the article gives some good tips to win them back in the events you have lost them. It is definitely less costly to recoup a customer than to attract a new one!

First, Polevoi says that you need to know is who the customer is and why they left in the first place. You can do this by a quick survey. Be honest and tell them you miss them and would like to have them back as a customer. Ask them what you can do to win them back. 

Next, take responsibility. If that customer left because of something you did, offer a sincere apology and let them know how you'll correct the error. Put steps in place to make sure the same thing doesn't happen again. Then, send them a personal note along with a special gift or discount certificate. The individual attention and appreciation of their business can make a huge impact.

The last point Polevoi makes is to keep in touch, even if you don't hear from them right away. Put them on a special mailing list and reach out to them occasionally with a new offer or update on your products and services.

Any other tried and true tips you'd like to share?

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Thanks for the posting this is exactly what ive been struggling with..ill let you know how it works out for me


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