Hello Everyone:


I just opened a small, private skin care studio. I would love some recommendations and comments on how to advertise on a small budget.


To date, I have a website, facebook page, and a blog. I have listed all three to as many free internet sites as possible.


Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

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I started my skin therapy business in 7/11 so I am working with a small budget as well.  I did one of the" daily deals" programs  with my local newspaper mainly for exposure.  It was no money out of my pocket but they sold 65 facials for me and I am already getting repeat clients.  Don't get me wrong it is a lot of work for barely enough payment to cover my cost of supplies, but was a way to advertise without paying for it.  I also went out and visited local businesses introducing myself and leaving my printed marketing materials ( biz cards, post card, service menu).


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