I am a new Aesthetician and am thinking of being a Medical Aesthetician. I am constantly finding myself being interested to the medical side of skin care however I dont know where to start. The jobs I have been applying to say I do not have experience but I am willing to put myself out there and learn as much as I can. I was hoping to get some advice on possibly the pros and cons of being in this field? If not, do you know anyone that I can speak with to get more information on how to get started? 
Thanks so much!

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I would suggest going to different places and telling them you are considering working in a medical setting and see if they will let you shadow them, a day, a week, take whatever you can get and just keep applying to places in the meantime.  Always take your resume in and hand it to the manager.  I am certified as a medical aesthetician although it is really not a recognizzed term, but I work in a spa setting because it still gives me the ability to do micro and mpeels and not loose out on the relaxation aspect.  Good luck!

Thank you Sheila! I am taking your advice and will see if I can shadow! 

When I think of Medical Aesthetician, I think of lasers and such, which is what the term seems to mean in PA.  What services specifically are you looking to perform?  Higher level peels and lasers are the only things I can think of that we can't do in a regular spa setting. 

Looking for a internship or on the job training is your best bet. Dermatologists, Dr office or Plastic Surgeons. Post an ad in your local paper that you are willing to work/ assist for free training. I would also continue education in all areas. As Sheila said medical esthetics is for the most part not recognized. When it is you need 1200 hours normally.

The laser institute and places like that advertise training but its a lot of $ . You could also look into getting your RN while working.,? Check with your state and school for advise. The NCEA may be another for insight and advise.

Thank you Natalie for your advice! I will definitely see if I can shadow to see what its like to work in a medical setting. 

I think it depends on the type of person you are...

but many people like the medical environment and would love to be part of a medical team.

The biggest down-side that I have heard would be the pay scale. Many estheticians working for a doctor are paid hourly rather than commission and are expected to sell packages and procedures. Other than laser techs though, I think most facilities prefer someone who has experience rather than someone fresh out of school...unless they have a large staff and can take on the responsibility of training and mentoring.

Others like the independence of working for themselves and are entrepreneurs or solo-preneurs.

I think the best start is to gain knowledge and experience in any venue - even if it's at a spa.

California doesn't have advanced licensing as far as I know.  In order to increase your knowledge and credibility you might also want to look into NCEA certification


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