Hi, i am an esthetician and have been for about 10 years and i am looking to get going again either as an employee or space rental my problem has been no one wants to take me on board. I am in my early 50s and still an attractive woman BUT my age seems to be an issue. Everthing seems to go well with my resume, then i go for the interview and when the interviewer sees me its like oh, i didnt know you were older! So then we have our interview and all go's well, i will even know their skincare line very well and most of their clients are looking for anti-aging solutions and some acne clients for which i am experianced in both. The past 6 years or so i have been a cosmetic retail manager and a salon manager and before becoming an esthetician i worked cosmetics in the big department stores for about 12 years.  I have kept up with all the latest trends and developments and know i can have sucess, i'am tired of 60 plus hours a week managing and know i can do this. I'am smart, my state exams were both a 98 and i also went a couple of months ago and took some mock exams and still scored in the mid 80's. Any ideas, sorry i just needed to vent. thanks.

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I have had the exact opposite experience!

Unless their pay scale is so low that they are afraid you won't take it, I can't imagine why they wouldn't snap you up on the spot!

Have you been out of the loop for awhile?

Being mature has MANY advantages. My older clients really trust me because of my knowledge, experience, and yes, my age.

And honestly, I think that I am more likely to discriminate the other way - I really don't like getting facials from girls in their 20's - for the most part they do not seem knowledgable or respectful of my older skin. :)

Maybe the universe has something even better for you that is yet to come.

HI cindy, what youre saying are my thoughts too!  I guess i forget to mention that my interviews have been with no one over about 25. The pay scale is not an issue for me right now, i want to get out there and do what i love. thanks for your response.

Hi  - I got in the business at 45 my advice ask for the position tell them you will be an asset to their business and offer to do a treatment.  It sounds like you have a sales background which is a huge plus for any salon selling retail - make sure you emphasis that (I too worked for a high end cosmetic line at a retail store it was a plus I can sell!). Most people in a spa or salon sell very little retail- 

Good luck be confident and ask for the job!

I'm about to turn 52 and we fifty somethings rock!! We don't want a younger Esthetician (no disrespect to you younger gals!) telling us about aging skin. When I was in my 30's I used to lie about my age...if I was 34 at the time, I would say I was 35, because being older made me connect with the client more. How many women do you know that lie about their age to make themselves older? ! :-)


The Esthetician I hired at my Center is the same age as me. We both look pretty darn good for our age, so we are a good representation of what our age group can accomplish. This helps the middle age (did I just say middle age?) client connect with us.


Vicki...I truly hope that you find a place that embraces all that you have to offer. If not, think  about going out on your own. Sounds as if you have enough experience to do so.

I got my license at 44 and I found that people respect me more because of age and maturity.  I have a good work ethic and clients know I understand aging skin.  Keep looking and don't give up, the perfect place is out there for you!  

@ Sheley- So True us middle age gals ROCK!!  I'll be 48 in May and agree about the older clientele and the trust issue.  The first thing many of my new clients say as I greet them  is " I want my skin to look like yours"!!


@ Vicki- When I decided to change careers and enter Esthy school at the age of 45 first I was shocked at all the 19-22 yrs olds in the class then I quickly realized that I had the advantage of maturity and experience in dealing with people. 

 If this is truly your dream, don't give up!  You have lots to offer I'm sure!

Hi Vicki, definitely do not give up! I became an esthetician in my early 50's, after I retired from corporate life.  I have a masters degree in Gerontology and I specialize in age management. I deal primarily with the baby boomers who are great clients! Aging women want estheticians who understand and can relate to their skin issues. I have not found age discrimination in this field, unlike corporate life were I witnessed it frequently. Pick your niche and market yourself. You will be great!


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