In addition to esthetics, anyone offer makeup artistry? Especially for bridal parties? I do a lot of this and would love to interact and share with others tips, product suggestions, marketing ideas, etc.

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Thanks, Faith. the trouble is most companies do not have enough dark colors or they have too much red in it. Im going to check them out. Everything is so expensive and I want to do so much.

Im not even starting out with foundations. I'm doing lips and eyes to begin with until it picks up. However, you can do a custom blend if you know how to mix colors to get the right under and over tones. Grafton cosmetics program is very reasonably priced

Hi Sara! I freelance as a makeup artist in my free time...I do alot of weddings! I LOVE Bare Minerals makeup (it's mainly what I use while doing a party.) It looks good on pretty much everyone! As far as marketing, I use good ol' word of mouth. I've booked alot of wedding off of people that have seen my work at other weddings..Take pictures of every client, share them on facebook or other networking sites, and encourage your friends to tell their friends..Word gets around very fast! If you have any questions, ideas, etc let me know!

Hey Jac,

Thanks for writing! I only use a few Bare Minerals products because I have a lot of clients that end up complaining they are allergic to an ingredient in it. But then I use Revlon and NYX and no problem (and they're cheap). Go figures, right? Word of mouth is how I really got started, and it still is doing well for me. I have pictures of every client, as them to write a review for me on the wedding sites, and use facebook to post photos as well. I found that gives you access to free websites and they are amazing quality, so I created mine there.

Hi Sara,

My name is Tatiana. I'm an esty in socal and a certified airbrush makeup artist. I've been a makeup girl my whole life but have been freelancing and doing it professional for the last year. I too use Smashbox, MAC, and too faced, their some of my favorites! I really love Makeup Forever's HD setting powder (especially for airbrush makeup) and their cream blushes are great too. I personally LOVE Temptu's Airbrush makeup and system. It isnt the cheapest but its well worth the investment. They also sell their makeup in smaller size starter packs which are much more reasonable. I'v played with OCC's airbrush makeup and though I'm a HUGE fan of their lip tars, I wasn't such a fan of their airbrush makeup. I've also played with MAC's airbrush makeup (not any of their airbrush machinery) and wasn't too impressed so I continue to stock my kit with TEMPTU. Airbrush is an AMAZING seller, and is definietly my saving grace for booking jobs. For the months of June, July, and August I was booked ever Saturday and Sunday for bridal parties all of which did airbrush makeup. I don't even touch my traditional foundations for months on end.


Thanks for all the tips!! So, did you have to become certified to be an airbrush artist? I am just asking because next year I would love to start working with Temptu. I love that you have had so much success with weddings!!! That is I how I hope to get!

...I almost got confused by all the "hi sara's"  then I realized the original poster spells her name the same too.  Boy you all make me all excited again like a little girl who found lipstick...hehehe.  Somehow I have word of mouth aleady Sara Kathleen...what sucks is that I have scholl wed thru sat (hour and half drive to there) and work the other days so I'm like late do you stay up lol...But my classmates def want makeup done.  Ohhh what are you guys doin for halloween makeup!!!!  Anyone do special effects????

Also Train case.  I admit I HAVE NOT USED a caboodle...however I used a tackle box...however now I have no case. The makeup I decided was primarily my own...soooI have a table spread for myself.  But I could use two or more cases for makeupand esthetics.  What do you guys use?

Also, anyone on Makeupbee?

I am but I havent posted pics-mostly cuz i dont have time, my phone hates me.  But I have a tonload.  You guys can check out on fb.  Now I know this is all just work on me. I need the time to work on others.  Hench just a few more weeks til makeup week at school YAY!!!!!

Hi all,

Thank you for the Temptu recommendation. That is the line I want to go with, despite it's costliness. I do think it would be a huge advantage to offer airbrush by next year.

So I know what products are great to work with (by your recommendations), but I have to share some others. Has anyone tried Revlon Photo Ready makeup? It looks GREAT on and great in photos. In fact, I've had many brides and bridesmaids ask me what I used because it lasted all day. Also, NYX line has great colors, pigments and is very inexpensive. I think it's a cheaper version of MAC. Smashbox has a great waterproof liner for $22 but NYX makes a similar one for under $10. I still love Too Faced shadows as well as Stila. I want to purchase a few Makeup Forever products, like the powder, as well. Ben Nye makes a great banana powder I love using too. I got it from the Naimie's website. Thanks for the advice!
I found that using a train case didn't work for me well. So now, I just keep everything in a suitcase, in different makeup bags according to product, and I easily set up my table so I know where everything is.

Not to mention u save money by using the suitcase. A good one that I thought about was at walmart-a jeep luggage set.

I bought a craft one from Jo Anns and it was half off so it was like 77. It rolls and holds everything. I needed something this big because I will be retailing my product as well!

I use LipSense Lip Color because it stays on thru the whole wedding & reception! It's a liquid that you apply to the lips in 3 layers, let it set on the lips, then apply the clear sealer! And it's there for a long time! 

Hi Jill, I don't think I've ever heard of Lip Sense. Where do you find it?


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